What Pest is This?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by m420p, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. #1 m420p, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
    My plants are very healthy but I'v had a few leaves with some sort of pest damaging them. I'v had a clone with spider mites but I quarantined it and this doesn't look like spider mites. I'v looked over the plants and found nothing on them so I'm sorta stumped. I did put a bucket with a little water in the room to see if any bugs collected in it and sure enough there were little flies that looked like may flies. I don't see any caterpillars or lady bugs and theres no big chunks of leaf missing, help please!!!

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  2. Get some neem oil and spray them as directed for a couple weeks. Spider mites are so tiny it's hard to see them until they have a big colony and it's too late. Other bugs can come out at night and eat your plants. I use neem and have no bug problems since I started.
  3. Thats good to hear cause I'v been reading about neem oil and its sounds like the best natural pest control. I'm definitely going to get some. Thanks for the info!

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