Cant see anything with naked eye or magnifying glass. Tried looking with my handheld microscope and can't see anything moving.
These things outdoors? Or do you have animals inside of your house? This looks a lot like when my feline friends had a go at my ladies. The curling new leaves may suggest otherwise or may be a different issue altogether.
I now think it's not a pest but rather an issue with nutes too strong for a couple of days. Will see if they grow out of the issue
Yea, looks like you've scorched them pretty good. What kind of a grow do you have going and what did you do? Those are pretty young plants and if you're in soil, you've got to account for nutrients already in the soil. If you're attempting a hydro grow, God bless you first off...LOL, but read up on how to manage it. Nutes do not grow a plant....they feed a plant. Light forces the plant to grow. But no really young plant is going to need anything strong in the way of food kind of the same way we don't start an infant out on steak and potatoes. Good luck with it. TWW