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What percentage of the time are you high?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sinnerman, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Not including when you're sleeping, what percentage of the time throughout a given day (on average) are you high?

    I'd say for me it's about 85% lately. Been kinda down and depressed about work life, really getting me down, so I just prefer to stay high as much as I can, makes the day go by easier.
  2. 55-65% easily.
  3. 100 :smoking:

    Nahh probably like 85-90 tho.
  4. 420% of the time

    nah id say about 50%
  5. About 15% on an average day. I like to hit the volcano before I go to bed daily.

    However if I'm with friends I can be stoned the whole day lol. That's maybe a couple times a month though.
  6. 10-15% been working way too much lately.
  7. I say between 60%-80% of the day. Holidays Stress me out, and green makes it all better.
  8. Id say between 75%-85%, all my connects are gone for the holiday, gotta conserve for a few more days.
  9. Being jobless really hurts my funds and weed isn't a priority so maybe 1% of the time. ;( Used to be around 70-80% tho
  10. Probably 25-50% most of the time
  11. I'm with you OP. been kinda depressed lately. Been drinkin and smokin a lot.

    So normally it's like 65% but recently it's like 85%
  12. somewhere between orange and armadillo
  13. 25% is usually it
  14. God damn some people, 90%?

    I do expect these numbers to be exaggerated by kids who think being high more somehow makes them cooler.
  15. Well i smoke everyday

    Id say a good 70%
  16. 100%
    Last time i wasnt was at my mans funeral in 2007.

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