I was working on my suitcase growbox some more, and reolized how many problems i would run into trying to use it for a grow. So, I decided to switch idea's, but want to do a PC tower growbox. Ive seen people do whole grows in them, so i know its possable, and its stealth! Who doesnt like a little stealth? But I dont want to get a too small tower, but i also dont want a huge one thats going to stick out. I have a 150W HPS (i might have to sell it, and my vortex 400 and just buy a 70W HPS) and some Swazi Skunk seeds. Any suggestions? I just need a rough size for one, or an actual case if you know a good one
enclosed TV stands and large desk cabinets are fantastic for grow use if you want to be stealthly. I use a double door tv stand that is about 1'x2' It's perfect for 3 1.75' healthy plants, and its discrete. You can line it with mylar or foil, caulk behind the door spaces that show so that door rests on a closed recess and allows no light out. You can stick a small fan out of the cardboard-like material inthe back and hang 3-4 light fixtures right on top for cfls. Run the light fixtures through a heavy duty cable replacement so that you can plug it in to a timer and a wall jack. A computer tower is difficult to use because the frame casing seperates from the hardware which is grafted to the platform. If you needed to open it up to allow things to cool down, or get inside to monitor and feed your plants, you'd have a hard time. Light would be obvious, and unless you are an learned metal smith, its going to look choppy. Grow spaces are cheap and easy to make, and a pc tower would be a costly, pointless idea unless its absolutely professionally done.
All you have to do is get a PC tower and use a dremel to cut out the extra metal from the inside... its not hard. And light traps will kill all light leaks. And opening computer cases is not hard at all... Its not pointless, its just a different way of doing it. And a cabinet isnt good for my room, because my room is already small and crowded with stuff already and I want to do a micro-grow.
I would do a cabinet grow, but i cant... I know computer boxes are small, but it is very possable to grow in them and its the best thing that i would be able to grow out of and keep stealthy...
Its going to be pointless, on average computer towers are 15 inches tall, minus 2 inches for the base platform, minus atleas 5 inches for your plot, and 6 inches for your light. That leaves you with a 2 inch plant when you need atleast 12 inches for it to be sexually mature. I'll show you a picture of my grow space, you may change your mind.
K.I.S.S= keep it simple stupid. I dont think tower grows are recommended for growing But to each his own if you can pull it off without setting your house on fire or something go for it!
http://forum.grasscity.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=31591 you can find my grow space and set up there. Takes not much space at all!.
hey man... i really think that if u wanna grow in such a small space then u should just use CFLs... 150watts of HPS light inside a computer case?? dude do u have any idea how much heat thats gonna give off?? that will be to much for a plant... also i would strongly suggest u get another strain to grow like Lowryders... because swazi skunk will grow far to big for a computer case... u would maybe manage to grow some Lowryders in there... but even then i think that it would still be a bit crammed.... im used to growing in decent sized cupboards... and i have heard of ppl growing in tiny areas... but u gotta find methods to train the plant to grow out instead of upward... like LST or topping... LST i n my opinion is the best method to train plants... i use both topping and LST on my plants to... even though im growing in a decent sizzed area... i like to tie down the main branch so as to let the side branches grow up and create a nice green canopy..... if u do this u get a whole lot more kholas that u do if u just let the plant grow naturally... also another thing that u will need to do as well is force the flower cycle... by this i mean once the plant goes thru the seedling phase(once the first 5 segmented leaves come thru) u should immediatly put the lights onto a 12/12 cycle... this will enduce flowering before the plant vegs to much and overgrows ur PC case... hope this helps u out man... and i hope that it all works out for u to....
Yeah, Your plant doesnt stop growing just because you flower it. Infact, your plant Grows more with a dark period, it just doesnt store as much energy as 24/0. During flowering, your plant is going to as much as TRIPPLE in size!. Dark cycles is when it breaks down sugars and carbs. I suggest that you try a bigger grow space like the one i have.
if u want to see my closet grow... u can here... http://forum.grasscity.com/photopost/showgallery.php/cat/500/ppuser/30516 i have a better gallery over at weedfarmer.com under the name of DankBudZ... those ladies are just 3 weeks into flowering... and are real;ly filling out nicely... soil grown with bio bizz organic nutes... and i disagree with u salviasage... when the lights go off bud and leaf production slows right down and the plants put all the stored energy into root growth.... though the plants do continue to grow taller during flowering cycle... and can double or even triple in height...