What other forums do you visit and which one(s) do you consider best?

Discussion in 'General' started by Superjoint, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. I just miss the box.
  2. I go on snowboardingforum.com and baltimoreravens.com forum as well as this one. Although snowboarding is better than smoking weed by a hundred times nothing beats this forum:wave:

    It has a great vibe compared to the rest of the internet and is very easy to use.
  3. #23 no comment, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    my favorite forum is Tagmonkey.org. its going through some changes right now, but its a very small tightly knit community that rules ass.

    edit: literally the only thing that bothers me about this site is the no tolerance for name calling or fighting in general. its the internet, it just happens, sometimes people need to know theyre a fucking asshole. ive needed someone to tell me that in the past! sometimes someone just needs to be laid out.
  4. Yeah some people do need to get told they are an ass, but it should really be in person I think. On the internet it just seems lame.
  5. bodybuilding.com

    This is by far the best. People are generally nice here, which is the main difference I think. Content is varied and interesting too here. Layout is similar on all three.
  6. I get so sick of the tired old 'it's the Internet' meme as an excuse for behaving differently online than in 'real life'.

    The Internet is just a communication medium. There is no reason why the nature of the communication should be any different than any other medium.
  7. plus in real life, people dont take criticism too well. might end up with a punch to the face, and im not too about that.
  8. Ideally, but that's not how it works and you know it. Its a communication medium where you have complete anonymity. To say what you want without any possible repercussions is going to change the nature of the communication.
  9. I post on Shroomery like once a month and a survivalist forum once a month also.

    There is a zombie survival forum I lurk on which is pretty interesting and has discussed just about every scenario and myth about zombies out there.
  10. I guess it's just how I feel about it.
  11. GC layout and community is pretty top notch.

    only suggestion would be some button on the top toolbar that goes right to your recent posts. Usually i hit User CP, click on a repped post of mine, and then click my name and Recent Posts by Entourage420. maybe i just dont know where it is, idk.

    and after 2 years here im not sure i fully understand the different types of envelopes :rolleyes: but these problems are probably at my own fault, oh well.
  12. Humor section, Sex Love and Relationships, and Seasoned Tokers.

    I think the Humor thread delivers most, Seasoned Tokers is just nice to browse sometimes and get leveled, SLR just is my main hangout.... not too sure why.

  13. not weird at all. best laughs and material is in SLR
  14. Bluelight.ru

    GC and Bluelight have the best communities, I go to Bluelight and Laserpoiner forums to learn, roosterteeth out of habit (I kinda hate that site), hookahpro is eh the mods are too uptight.
  15. bodybuilding.com
    bluelight so i can talk about other drugs
    and occassionally gamefaqs when im into a new game
  16. The only thing I dont like about this place is it's to addicting. Even when there aren't any good threads i'd rather be here than writing my paper.
  17. furious-angels.com... it's almost dead.

    what would i like to see here? chat threads..
  18. this is the only one i visit..i used to go on one that was like all girls and they just talk about girl stuff and shit, but it pretty much died. i like grasscity way better anyway.
  19. realgm nba basketball forum
  20. MLGPRO.com

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