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what odor overpowers the other

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sshack, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I always thought smoking a cigarette after smoking would overpower the smell of the bud. Given the amount of smoke from a boage compared to a bowl, I justified this as a reason. Later though when I started smoking kinder nugs, I changed my answer, the weed fragrance stayed potent and always lingered. I tried opening my windows, blowing a fan, used a closed container for the bud, used Fabreeze, and no luck. The smell of weed is just to distinguishable through the smell of tobacco. What do you think?
  2. I don't know. But I like how pot smell will get out of your house in just a few hours where as cigs smell will last several days.

    Or car or whatever. The pot smell dissipates quicker.
  3. Yeah its far more odoriferous, but it doesn't linger like nasty ass cig smoke
  4. Well I smoke Marlboro smooths, they dont really stink like non-menthol tobacco. They smell pretty fresh, sweet like peppermint chocolate :) I can smoke at my house, but my friends folks dont like smoking in the house, so we used to smoke a bowl, then smoke a cig, then light incense.
  5. I think if you know weed, you'll smell both
  6. Cigarettes smell so much stronger than weed when you smoke them, it's crazy. I once smoked a cigarette in my room and the smell stayed for a really long time.
  7. Been there tons of times in my life. Tobacco definitely overpowers weed.
  8. Tobacco smell is more potent but it doesn't necessarily mask bud. If you just smoked then lit a cig and you get pulled over the cops will still be able to smell it.
  9. Hmm, I think tobacco smokers are a bit biased in this, albeit unknowingly, seeing as how tobacco GREATLY impairs the function of taste buds and olfactory cells.

    Like that one guy said, you'll be able to smell sweet stinky bud over nasty fuckin toxic tobacco smoke. Excuse my wordplay right there

  10. Any sort of smoke will "numb" your taste buds a bit, but tobacco greatly decreases there sensitivity to smell and taste. However so does cannabis, when i was younger i would smoke and not be able to taste anything i ate whatsoever.
  11. i have a moonbounce fan :) and i crack a window
  12. i thought it was just me
  13. Tobacco smoke reaks. However, me and my friend smoke bowl after bowl and then just open a window and it clears out within a few hours.

    Joints and blunts are a different story...

  14. Start vaporizing. I bought a MFLB and it's worth every penny.

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