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what nutes do I add at this point?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by matrix1004, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. I have a couple of plants that have started to flower, my question is how do you know what nutrients to add when they are at this stage and what are the percentages that I should be looking for? ex; 20-20-20, 10-20-10, 10-10-20. Well, you get what I mean!
  2. I would try fox farms big bloom liquid plant food at 0.01-0.3-0.7 at least thats what i was told a while back from a old school grower. So good luck on that! ohh and its organic so it will be harder to get nute burn from it! but some one else told me to use peters 20-20-20! so i would try that one first! sorry for the undecisive answer im a noob myself and am at odds myself!
  3. thanks for the input
  4. What medium are you growing in?
  5. Fox farms is a good choice, but 20-20-20 is too much nitrogen during the flowering stage. Maybe more along the lines of 5-20-15.
  6. I am curently using miracle grow medium.
  7. Miracle Grow is total works for NOOB's and suburban housewifes ~ i.e. you don't have a clue about growing. The nitrogen is MG is derived from pertoleum and sewer sludge (i.e. processed human shit). If you have a hydro shop around go and pick up an organic bloom fert. (i like earth juice line), or you can order online. If that's not an option then go OSH or similiar and pick a back of bone meal and a jug of fish fertilizer and if your going all out pick up some Superthrive (not organic) for your micronutrients and vitamins. Feed per directions.....
  8. go to the garden store and pick up something with high phosphorous, not too high, and lower concentration of nitrogen. something like 5-10-5 or something like that would do. liquid bonemeal is good and bonemeal tea is cool too.
  9. This is another thing that everyone gets the wrong way round. Whilst plants need N, P and K (and trace elements) at all times, during flowering and fruiting K is required in at least as great quantities as P. My BioCanna for Flowering contains higher levels of K than P.

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