What mix do you put in your pipe?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by BoodieToodie, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. 'Sup GC,
    Sorry if this is a stupid question but I know barely anything about pipes and they've sparked my interest, so I was just wondering...
    What do you put in the bowl?
    Apart from the obvious, do you mix it with tobacco or just have pure Mary Jane, and then do you grind it or just put in nugs? At first I thought it was pure, but then wouldn't it burn very well? Would you have to keep lighting it? Hence then I thought maybe tobacco was added too... I literally am clueless, I did search before posting this topic but nothing gave me the information I sought after.
    Many thanks for putting up with this lowly apprentice, happy toking!  :smoking:

  2. #2 Will_Blaze, Nov 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2013
    This is how I prefer to marijuana 
  3. i dont smoke anything but cannabis so i only put cannabis in my spoon you can grind it up and it burns a bit better but i personally prefer to just break my bud up a little bit it burns well enough for me
  4. dont think ive ever put anything other than cannabis and cannabis related extracts in all of pieces....the occasional blunt/spliff is the only time ill mix with baccy.
  5. tobacco makes weed smoke dry as fuck
  6. You can put literally anything you want in there, although I'd suggest keeping it simple.  Weed is always great, and you can get pipe tobacco if you enjoy that type of thing.  I wouldn't suggest anything beyond that.
  7. Why would you put anything else in your pipe? Have you ever smoked a bowl?

    Yes, you do have to keep lighting it. Beings as marijuana is typically quite expensive, most people only like it to be on fire when they are inhaling the smoke.
  8. lol 

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