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What method is better?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by daleric, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. You are smoking a bowl. You don't have alot of weed. Which method have you found to be the best for preserving the bowl longest?

    Do you:
    Put the bowl out quickly after inhaling your hit, making sure not to allow for any extra burning of weed not being smoked. Each hit is a precise measure of careful lighter skills, keeping the flameage to a minimum.

    Do you get the bowl "rolling" so that you don't have to keep torching it to hell with a lighter every time you take a hit...thus keeping the bowl smoldering rather than flamed.

    *other bowl preservation suggestions are accepted* feel free to give your insight :cool:
  2. Take "snappers."
    Pack your bowl with one hit, smoke it, cash it, repeat.
    Or buy a one-hitter for like $10. I can make a gram last a week if I need to w/ a 1ey
  3. Personally, when such situation occurs me and my friend who i always smoke with leave the bowl rolling and quickly swap, meaning: I light a third of the bowl and get a hit, quickly pass it to him, then while hes hitting it I exhale and then he passes it back to me. I dunno this might not be as efficient when youre by yourself, i mean i prefer smoking joints when im alone, but then again i usually have plenty of weed. ALSO if you smoke cigs usually, smoke one after you start to come down from your high. you will enjoy it : )
  4. If you are that worried about conservation, then "snap" the bowl. Pack a little ganja in your bowl enough to one hit it then repack. No wasted weed no worry of smoldering weed. I would do that if i was you

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