What makes you believe in god?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ARoid, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. for those of you that do. i've grown up in an extremely christian family but i just have no reason to think that god exists. what makes you guys believe?
  2. something to do with the pineal gland maybe?
  3. the closest thing to god for me is love
  4. The fact that I am insignificant compared to the universe around me. The fact that physics are not a constant and we can't even comprehend why that is.
  5. I am a christian.

    If i am wrong, i am wrong for a life time. If you are wrong, you are wrong for eternity.

  6. Because you are pussy and are scared to die right? Because of what the good book tells you? Satire aside I believe in God because I'm alive and still able to discern the bullshit of the scriptures from actual reality
  7. i posted this in a similar thread, here it is again for good measure: pascals wager.
  8. No. Not at all. I'm not afraid to die. I know that that i am going somewhere else when i die, somewhere better. That quote isn't supposed to be interpretated as another way to fear people into beileving. It does hold some truth.
  9. Show some respect. You're just trying cause arguments.

    Wrong. Atheists believe that when they die, they will cease to exist. If there is no god, i will not know for i will not be able to think.

    Like this morning: I woke up at 1 am and said "I'm going to get up". Next thing i know it's 5 o clock. I had no idea and actually thought it was still 1 when i woke up. For all know, if there wasn't a clock, that could have been just a lapse in thought.

    That said, i don't want to die because i don't think there is much after death. Why should there be?
  10. plus rep
  11. I don't mean anything I say in a derogatory manner I swear :wave: but I use my whole vocabulary to fully explain the meaning of what I'm saying. Effect thus so far but not as greatly as that as I had expected :eek:
  12. Well just don't do that in public, it could have some dire consequences.
  13. Yeah, maybe it's not the best way to describe what i'm trying to say.

    Yes. Atheists believe when they die, they will cease to exist. So if i am wrong(about there being an afterlife) all i would be wrong for is my life time.

    Maybe it sounds better like this.

    if i am right i am right for eternity. If you are right you are right for a life time.


  14. I'm always up for said 'dire consequences' but I'm always up for a battle of wit--that is if its possible :hello:

  15. so the word Pussy being used above was not derogatory...
    im sorry...I have to call bullshit:wave::D
  16. sorry to get off topic, but am i the only one who thinks that people say this way more than should be possible? i say if people conquered death there'd be alot more 'stupid' people....like people doing handstands on buildings edges n stuff. You really are afraid of death, its just instinct. Fear is normal, fear of death is probably the strongest fear out there.

    What you should say is that you have accepted death, or some aspects of it.

  17. Lol, just because i'm not afraid to die doesn't mean i'm going to act like the fool and do things to risk my life. I'm happy with the life i have. I don't want to leave it yet.
    Death is something that everyone has to go through. There's some peace of mind with that.
  18. "If you're afraid of dying it shows you have a life worth keeping."

    Not sure how much I believe in that quote, but I thought I'd share it here.
  19. I don't believe in God but I do my best to be a good person.

    If God exists and he sends me to hell cause I didn't believe in him, while being a good person in all other ways, fuck him.
  20. I believe in the possibility of a god, and I advise others to do the same unless they have undeniable proof there is one. Other wise your just deluding yourself and your senses.

    I read I think it was in here that they believe because Physics isnt constant, I say so what? What makes you think physics could be anyother way? perhaps if anything were different, we wouldnt even be here. Perhaps it is the most probable outcome.

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