What made you want to post in this thread?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dreadlocker, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Well? Its a simple question. And here is a lil somethin somethin incase u were not convinced yet.

  2. lol when did i make this???
  3. About 20 min ago
  4. cuz im hungry
  5. To tell you that Im not gonna post in this thread and fall victim to your Jedi mind tricks..




    .. Fuck .. Well done.
  6. the voices in my head told me too.
  7. To express the funny factor in mushroomsatsuji's post........

  8. #9 jamesh, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    I once saw a thread of yarn wrapped around this wooden post. I thought to myself, "what's the purpose?"
    Then I realized that there probably wasn't one.

    So here I am.
  9. That picture made me laugh so hard, man...:smoke: Dunno why though...
  10. Who gets the middle? That shit will be cold as fuck. Plus, what if a bird flies over and shits all over it?
  11. Because what else would I do with this thread? Its useless. :)
  12. because I have nowhere else to go? :confused_2:

  13. What happens if that pizza is actually a monster.

  14. lol i ate to many weed cookies and the pizza monster actually scared me. also my dog just got attacked by a coyote and he is bleeding but not to bad but like he got bit in the chest. what the fuck ccan i do i feel helpless. i cleaned the wound with iodine, banadaged the wound like i would to a human (im a wilderness first responder) like i would to a human, an i gave him a doggie pain pill.
  15. Well played, sir, well played.

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