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what luck.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LemonSourD, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. as im writing this im high and this just happen i was with my friend brendon and me and him were gonna cyphe i had a nicely rolled 30 piece blunt (1.5 grams) and i was gonna smoke another 30 piece that my friend rolled with his own bud so he accidently droped it in the fan and we tryed breaking the fan but it didint work so he felt bad and sparked me up on a 70 piece (8th) so i broadcast a bbm message to all my bbm friends saying my friend droped a blunt at the spot we smoked at and told them who ever can break the fan and grab it can have it :eek:
  2. I don't see how this was lucky, but alright. You must be ripped right now..
  3. yeah i have no idea what i was trying to preach to you guys w.e i ordered pizza at my friends pizzaria and laughed on the phone he knows the deal right now
  4. Wow, that whole thing was one giant run on sentence. You used zero punctuation. Does weed really make some people act like this??? Jeeze
    Glad you had fun though.
  5. Where's this fan?
  6. this Chinese food place in staten island ny
  7. so your dropped a blunt in a fan? then you sent a text message telling your friends to come vandalize the fan so they can get the blunt out of it?
  8. correct
  9. I love this sort of shit on gc for some reason, so random :laughing:

    (this was typed using solely my pinky fingers)

  10. my thoughts exactly

  11. plus rep for pinky power
  12. Where did he drop it? I'm gonna look for it.

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