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What lighter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dogma264, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. So i recently made myself a DIY lightbulb VAPE and i was wondering what lighter to use, i only have torches at the moment but ive heard if you heat up the herb too fast or too hot it will realse carbon monoxide which is deadly if inhaled so should i get a bic, also how far should the flame be?
  2. your lighting it on fire.. and your worried you would be inhaling bad things if it gets too hot?
    sounds like you don't really understand the world:cool:
  3. just get a real vape cuz they r infinatly times better. but if u must maybe 1-2 inched away with a bic lighter
  4. Are you stupid or purposly not reading it, ITS A VAPORIZER!
    you dont light anything on fire idiot
  5. the torch will work fine
  6. Most lighters aren't supposed to be light for more than 30 seconds at a time. When I use my lightbulb, I use whatever I can find to light a candle, then use that.

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