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What kind of spoon is this? I need some keywords to search.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jmanmc, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 jmanmc, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me some keywords I could use on my search to find a pipe similar to my friend's or perhaps link me to somewhere that carries them. I'm not sure of the specific name of this style, although the place where I got this picture just called it a spoon. I guess I'm not sure if this rectangular style has it's own name or not. While searching, I've seen it referred to as just a "square pipe."

    I love how thick these are, and how cold they can get if you leave them out in your car over night. Anyways, I can only find one or two on the internet and I happen to live in one of those states that has outlawed headshops. These pictures all come from online headshops, but they don't look the best of quality.
  2. Are you Jordan Rosenberg?
  3. No, but if Jordan Rosenberg's friend has this sort of pipe, could you ask him where he got it?
  4. Looks like a reversed Chillum lol.
  5. i have only seen those in one shop online but if you want to order, it has to be...
  6. Well it's definitely a modification of a standard shape.

    Here it's called a steamroller, but as I mentioned before, the other two examples I've found were called spoons. Also, I'm adding the picture from that link to the op.
  7. A steamroller is not that. Steamroller is just a straight pipe where one end opposite of the mouthpiece is totally open. But it doesn't have to be square or anything. Those are just square steamrollers.
  8. Yeah, it does seem weird that this particular head shop calls it a steamroller when it really isn't anything like one, other than the straight and unbroken tube, not branching or shifting into a bowl shape. I've more or less come to the conclusion that this shape of pipe is ideal for mass manufacturing, it seems like it's out of a mold, but I don't know how those shitty Chinese pipes are made. Anyways, I doubt I'll find a hand-blown version unless I ask for it to be done myself. I didn't really plan on buying one though, so I guess I just started this thread for some information, but if anyone does have any more leads as to what I can call this style of pipe and be talking about this one and only style, I'd like to hear it.
  9. Those aren't steamrollers - they're not even shaped like steamrollers. They're just square pipes.

    I've seen these at my local head shop but I personally would never use one

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