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what kind of papers for a half O?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lax warrior, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 lax warrior, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    so me and my bros are throwin $30's each and buying a half of dro and rolling 2 cannons with it. Is the dutch gonna be way to small to roll it in, or do they make Xtra large joint papers

  2. $60 half. gross bud
  3. You can roll 2 gottis with 2 dutches
  4. Personally, I would make butane honey oil (bho) out of it. If you really wanna smoke the buds get 2 vanilla dutches and use tweezers to pick out all the tobacco. After you grind a quater ounce up start packing one of the dutches tight with bud. Repeat for second dutch and there you go 2 quater ounce godfathers
  5. this.
  6. Agreed. OR... You can always get a few of King Size Rizlas to roll. I know my friends and I have gone up to 5 grams per paper, and if they're not big enough for you, just stick two together! You'll have some monster joints, my friend.
  7. as op said just stuff it dont roll it, take out the tobacco with scissors 6G fills a philly so 9 or 8gs should fill a dutch have fun :wave:
  8. He said me and my broS. plural. So at least $90, probably $120. and $120 is what I pay for a half O of dank.:cool:
  9. #9 leafsmoker212, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Sounds like mids for that price.

    OP, roll many blunts. Don't do a few really fat joints or l's in a large group of people, you want to cipher the shit out of your weed in these situations.

    With $120 you can roll 10 pretty fat blunts with dank.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  10. yo just buy 2 game green gars, they can fit 7 gs in em.. so 2 quarter blunts goin at once would be dope or right after other
  11. If you really need something bigger, there are always wraps.... You can roll some serious heavy hitters with those.
  12. A niga with a blunt wrap is a high niga for sure!:hello::hello::hello:
  13. really? $90-120 for a half ounce of mids? dam your prices must suck where you are.

    Game gars are really good for large quantitys of weed. you can fit alot more then 7 g's in one though

    I wouldnt suggest wraps.
    Harder to roll in my opinion, and they taste horrible. Like they were dipped in chemicals.
  14. a whole pack of jobs you can roll back to back to back and be high till tuesday. and ima call bullshit on the dro id inspect that shit real close before i gave up any money.

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