What kind of kid were you in elementary school?

Discussion in 'General' started by Catholicpothead, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. It's my opinion that the person who you are in elementary school is your true, unadulterated, unfiltered self. In elementary school we are still unfilled archetypes of who we are to become. We have the form but our life is left to fill out the rest of us.

    In elementary school, kids act however the hell they want and do some crazy shit because a) they don't know better and b) they didn't get in much trouble

    I remember being the sly kid that would organize, threaten and bribe people to get my way. Then let others take the fall.
    I organized a huge game of "tackle tag" because another group of bad kids were doing it. So when both games got busted at the same time, the other group got the lunch detention because I was a "good" kid and nobody would think of me to create something like that. Oh the stares I got as I walked past the principal's office where they were all detained!

    Then I started a flag football team in 3rd grade, and I recruited all the massive, strong, stupid kids to play on my team. Eventually, all my friends were begging to come on my team, and I made them give me stuff from their lunch, let me play with the cool toys and a lot of other stuff to let them on the team. And when a friend would piss me off, I would threaten him for days to kick him off. Obviously, I couldn't really add or subtract people from the team, but everyone though I could, I had absolute power for the whole season!

    I kind of took a walk down nostalgia lane, sorry about that. But I digress.

    What kind of kid were YOU in elementary school? What kind of crazy shit went down?
  2. Well. I was an alright kid until 4th grade I believe.

    Something about that teacher I had just rubbed me the wrong way, and I was only like 9 or 10 years old. I called that bitch everything asshole to "toe headed ski monkey" Which is what actually got me suspended from school for like a week for saying that to her.

    And then in 5th grade I literally got paddled in school everyday for one thing or another. It was pretty funny man, even now that I look back on that shit.
  3. haha yep, I remember kids just like you. That's hilarious

  4. Yeah I was hell on wheels until I was a freshman in highschool, and then after that I just didnt get caught as much :D
  5. I was the extreeeemely intelligent beyond her years little girl ... but most people didn't know that because I didn't say much. I didn't get in trouble for talking in class until the sixth grade. I brought books to school eventually so I could occupy myself with reading after I had finished all my other assignments WAAAAY before everyone else.

    So yeah I was super smart. I also remember getting in trouble with other girls starting around the fifth grade because I was friends with their "boyfriends." I used to get beat up by loudmouthed African American girls all the time. Not that I didn't fear Caucasian females ... but they never got violent with me. I still have an inordinate fear of this group of people. Sad. I wish I didn't.

    I was also the little girl that secretly wondered if her other female friends knew about lesbianism and if they wanted to try it out with me. :eek:

    Teachers loved me until I became amused by outwitting or talking back to them. It is an easy way to be more popular ... something I was never any good at.

    Man, I was a weird dorky little kid.
  6. ^ i was exactly like that. i was the smart kid whod do anything to fit in. i would always talk in class, and when i talked to the teacher it was to tell them how wrong they were. i would do math problems or read a book because i would finish the work within like 5 minutes, and would have a whole period to just sit around. recess was the shit because, like you OP, i ran the playground:p its so weird to reminisce of those times man, thanks.
  7. I don't like your theory. I was a social cripple and a shithead. Doesn't make sense for that to be my unadulterated self when I grow out of it.
  8. i was the kind that pimped other 6 year olds, slung jolly ranchers & downloaded txt docs off super ejeet bbs' to get smiley faces on all my papers.
    & cup cakes n shit. good stuff.
  9. I did NOT run the playground. I liked swings. And playing soccer. But if I wasn't careful I was liable to get beat the hell up.
  10. Guess you were an exception. Or maybe not. If you didn't agree with my theory, you didn't have to post.
  11. the OP was talking about the playground. i just related to your post, besides that point hahaha... dont you love being more intelligent than the rest of the class, but because of that very reason you are repressed and forced to be quiet?
  12. Swings were sick! I was with the group of people that decided to jump off them. Nobody had done it before at the school I guess, so they made a rule against it the second day we were jumpin'

    Then my best friend pushed me off a swing and I fell in the rocks and we both went to the principal's office.
  13. #13 NeOmega, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2009
    I was the guy who was completely capable of being the class clown, straight-A "give me the answers to the test and I'll give you a dollar", artistic, energized playground-athlete, and most reassuring best friend anyone could have.

    BUT I was the shortest kid in my entire grade, and got picked on instead.

    So I later became a complete introvert all the way through high school, and never shined quite as brightly as I could have. I don't resent it, but it really put me back socially. I'll always think fondly of the elementary years because at least I knew I was better than the kids who (I'm assuming) felt threatened by my versatility.

    edit: School just isn't my thing, haha.
  14. I always felt like I was a little bit different than most other kids... not necessarily in a good or bad way. I was very smart for my age... I always made straight A's up until high school. I was always more into art than sports... although I did play soccer a little bit. One thing I remember is that I talked a lot and probably had more of a social life then than I do now, haha. I used to always get in trouble for talking in class when we weren't supposed to and things like that. Kind of strange, because I'm sort of shy now and I don't have that many friends.
  15. I was actually part of the "popular" kids all the way up until like 10th grade I believe... Then I became obsessed with counter-strike... hah, damn I could whop some ass though!

    I remember getting in a lot of fights in elementary school though... Not necessarily picking fights, but definitely finishing them. My parents had me in tae kwon doe lessons several times a week since like 3rd grade so I would never back down from anybody.. I was quite the small kid too, so I always had some bullies trying to pick on me and I would never take that shit ever since I was little.

    Hah, I remember the first time I was sent to the principals office... I saw my friend out in the field during recess getting pumbled by some kid and I just ran up to the kid and straight up speared him...

    I also remember my 2nd grade teacher thought I had a learning disability.. So I went in and took all the tests and ended up scoring at an extremely high level. haha, I dunno what that really says about me, but yea :cool:

    Oh, and I also remember stealing candy from my teachers desk every day before the ymca :)
  16. Wow man that sucks some of yous guys got picked on... Unlike riophamus I wasnt really liked too much before about 6th or 7th grade... But after that I was one of those preppy kids.... MAN I was an asshole.
  17. Played a lot of sports. I dunno, just had fun I guess.
  18. yeah I played a shitload of soccer but early in my freshman year I blew out my knee for the second time and couldnt play anymore :(
  19. #19 EdgarOregon100, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2009
    I was the kid who aced the Talented and Gifted tests...good stuff. I was really smart, which got the teachers to like me to a certain degree.

    I was always wearing fucking huge glasses because I was (and still am) pretty much blind. I got a little bit of shit for this, and it kinda did make me self conscious but whatever.

    I also was a bit of the class clown. I was pretty eccentric and crazy, so I'd do weird shit to make people laugh.

    Wasn't too good at sports...played a little bit of soccer back then and I was alright just not nearly as good as everyone else.

    But I'd also act out now and then. I was pissing teachers off a lot with my arrogance, and also just fucking around with other kids...I remember once I got sent to the Principal's office twice in one day for hitting this older girl (I was in 2nd Grade, she was in 4th), and for making loud ass fart noises in the middle of class...:p I did the same shit in Kindergarten too, can't remember why I whupped this one kid's ass, still don't know why! Haha...
  20. i was teh goofy kid who played soccer and stuff. i liked to piss off the bullies and have them chase me around then walk in front of the teachers and mock em so they couldnt do anything to me. :D

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