What kind of container do you grow in?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by D Rock, May 13, 2007.

  1. I am currentley growing in a like 3 or 5 gallon organiacally pots for growing but I have seen the deep"painter buckets" with like 5 or 6 ridges at the top of the bucket being used in certain grow rooms I was thinking about using those as they are definately deeper and i think that with a deeper bucket the root system would be deeper and thus producing heavy yields what do you think?
  2. The main issue is root volume, not root depth. Depth is very important, but I would rather have a shallower 5-gal bucket than a deeper 3-gal bucket. The more volume the better. Between two containers that have the same volume I agree to go with the deeper one.

    An advantage of a deeper bucket is that you can go longer between waterings because it has a smaller surface area to volume ratio and therefore will hold water a little longer.
  3. I imagine you still have to puch holes in the bottom for drainage, correct?

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