I saw this dead bug in the street yesterday, took a few pics with my cell phone cam. It's very large, you don't usually see something like where I live. Any ideas?
If someone was watching you taking a picture of a dead bug on the road they would think that you're nuts.
Could be a type of cicada, but we only get them every 10 years or so and make a very loud racket, but we haven't heard any this year.
It was on the sidewalk in a residential area, and if anybody thinks I'm nuts they're entitled to their opinion as long as they mind their own business.
An Entomology outlet...oh my! Love the sound of them...interesting way to fall asleep. Pretty trancey.
There are different broods (groups) of cicadas.. and each brood comes out every so many years. So while in your area you might have mostly one brood, there could be others that come out during different years. Where I am at, I hear cicadas every year.. and it's kind of cool knowing that the brood I am hearing this year won't be heard for many more years.
After googling it, i think the one i saw was a regular, no mega. I thought it was big untik i saw pictures of real giants, wow!