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What Kind Is It??? Tastes sweet and like pine, its a kush`

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by superdupertoke, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. I picked up some kush, no pics yet, so i good i ran out. Its smells really sweet, and tastes sweet but also tastes like pine. I think it smells like fruity pebbles, any idea? Its a commercial kush i hear
  2. its the kind that gets you high
  3. There are 2 types of weed on the earth. Well grown, and shittily grown.

    Well what do you think?
  4. Just asking if it fits a certain type of kush, like purple kush, blueberry, bubblegum.....

  5. no one's gonna be able to tell you from a description.
  6. I agree, i doubt i will get a reply that will help, but i remember someone on gc before said their dank smelled like fruity pebbles and tasted piney
  7. your describing about 100 different strains when u say piney and fruity pebbles haha
  8. haha i guess, so, are you legit growing pineapple express??

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