What kills someone in a car crash?

Discussion in 'General' started by Cplus, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. Stupid question but some accidents don't look that bad and people get killed. I saw a car crash on the news that killed a couple and only the front was wrecked and the air bags were deployed. So how exactly are these people killed?
  2. Theres a million factors. heart health, will to live, body position, shrapnel trajectory, force of impact/car weigh difference of vehicles involved. But the only thing they all have in common is a distracted driver
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  3. Inertia and the laws governing impact force.
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  4. Blunt force trauma. Luck of the draw
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  5. That's the one.:coolalt:
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  6. The sudden change of g's, you know measure of the pressure equal to certain levels of gravity. For example, someone falling off a tall building: its not the tall height that usually kills them, but the extreme and sudden deceleration on the body

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  7. Mostly due to 'shock', which is a medical term defined as an insufficient bloodflow through the body.
    When you look at major trauma the most common forms of shock are hypovolemic and neurogenic shock.

    Hypovolemic shock is caused by bleeding, internal or external, which causes an absolute insufficiency of blood and results in organ failure due to the lack of oxygen,
    Neurogenic shock is caused by an injury to the central nervous system, often at the spinal cord. All your organs are innervated by neurons and controlled by the central nervous system, when there's an injury it may lead to organ failure directly (stops your heart from beating or your lungs from functioning).
  8. #9 JamesLoganson, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
    My teacher used to say to us that when you're close to an accident or something is about to happen your brain recognizes this and switches itself off because of trauma that's why people fall into shock/conscious.
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  9. You can always blame God.
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  10. Internal bleeding, trauma to the brain or spine etc.

    Some people can get the worst injuries and the car can look fine whereas others can be pulled from a wreckage that look like a crushed coke can and be fine.

    Also shock can kill you if not treated quick enough or properly.

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  11. But i didn't do anything...

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  12. Heretic.

    But he's right, I didn't do anything...:coolalt:
  13. We can only blame ourselves, which is indeed God.
  14. Having defective metal shards deploy with the air bag can as well.. The cops that found the body said there was a sadistic murderer on the loose, turns out the bag deployed with metal shards in it, didn't leave much left.
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  15. Sometimes when I think about it, driving is actually a really dangerous thing to do. I mean, you have greater chances of getting killed by driving, than skydiving, for example.

    You're also at the mercy of other people's judgements. In other words, no matter how skilled you are at driving, if somebody else makes a mistake, you pay the price.

    This is why I can't wait for self-driving cars to be released.
    Intel is partnering with BMW because driving is too dangerous and cars need to get smarter
  16. I was talking about self driving cars yesterday in PYT, and how we will likely never have universal adoption like we should because stubborn assholes will refuse to change their ways, and those people will inevitably drink and drive, because fuck accepting technology that allows you to drink in a car without being a threat to those around you into your life :rolleyes:
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  17. If you want to be able to drive home while having alcohol in your system, why would you NOT want a self-driving car?
  18. See you're using logic, the people that oppose change a are generally not fans of logic :laughing:
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  19. A driver's license is technically a license to kill, which is why insurance is MANDATORY not optional. With great power comes liability for murder.

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