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What it the vest high you ever had???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cincle38, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. What's the best high you ever had from smoking weed. How did it feel? Sorry for the typo
  2. it felt like the sleeves of my jacket were gone, my bare arms naked and exposed to the world :eek:

    but really, prolly just postin at my friends birthday party in a nice cushy chair... no idea how many times the bong got passed around, too many blunts to count, it was a good night haha
  3. the best high i've ever had was my first high. i've never felt an experience quite like it. it was like i was looking at myself smoking from outside of my body. dunno if that makes much sense but i felt so lifted and it was like i wasnt smoking, but looking at myself smoke that made me trip out.
  4. when i ate some weed brownies for the first time after 5 years of smokin. That gave me the best high.
  5. It was the second or third time I got high. Also the only time I ever felt time slow down. I felt amazing, and everything was going in slow motion for a good hour and a half. My legs were very shaky and I could barely speak. the dude who smoked me out had a really trippy ringtone; it freaked me out when his phone rang, but in a good way.

    I've never gotten that high ever again, and never had a high last that long ever again.

  6. Damn that didn't trip you out forgot being one of ur first highs? That sounds like it was a trippy high

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