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What is your worst dealer story?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Younggungrower, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Guy comes up to window and pulls out weed, I pull out scale and then hear "oh those scales dont work". Weighed it and to mine and my friend's surprise what was supposed to be an ounce was a quarter short, but it was really good so I negotiated down the price minus the quarter.

  2. "Those scales don't work", lol.

    Just carry 6 nickels with you. They're 5g each so you'll have a 30g check.

  3. Everybody has to wait for weed but growers wait the longest and do the most work. Why be scared to grow a plant you are willing to pay so much for. Go stealth, stay small, and use gc like I did to earn a green thumb if you were not born with it. Then you might see most dealers are just the middle men with the skills to pimp money and time...and I know for sure I have done a lot more waiting for my weed since picking up at legal clinics than working with my old dealers. So again plant a seed and give it a shot at skipping your dealers problems for a while.
  4. I'm sure most would if they could. Unfortunately I'm stuck with dealers for another 5 years.

    After that, probably do 4 plants, 2 vegging and 2 flowering. As long as I can harvest an ounce every 3 months, I'm set for life.

  5. You would yeild a lot more than an ounce every three months on four plants. Good luck on your future grow. :)
  6. Was planning a perpetual grow, so harvest every 2 months or so from 2 of the 4 plants.

    Under 5 plants in IL is a misdeameaner, but still a pretty big offense. Hoping in 5 years the penalties will be much less.

    Grow only for personal uses, don't sell at all and don't tell a soul.
  7. dude.. pakelika died last night :/
  8. my worst dealer story ls also my best dealer story. l was going on a trip on a bus leaving from the airport and my dealer was gunna delver the nght before l ended up waiting for 4 hours and he never showed up and l could of capped from someone else but he kept telling me he was on hls way and that he had northern lghts from a dspencary from cali. the next morning the day my bus was leavng he texts me sayng sorry he got ln a crash and that he would deliver to me whle l was watng for my bus rght outsde the airport since l was gunna be there from seven a.m. until ten he had 3 hours. so l was waiting there and next thng l know theres half an hour till my bus arrives and lm callng hm but he doesnt answer and when l txt him lt says message read. So l called hls boy up and he said they went to a party the night before and that he ddnt crash the car and that they wher at thee beach and he passed me to the dealer and the dealer played lt out as my fault. So now l have 15 minutes till bus arrives and l start textng people l know but no one was awake then l remembered ths guy l capped some fire purp from a whle back and just txt hm not expectng anythng but then he txts bac sayn he was gunna hop ln the shower and then leave. so lm watng and he calls me sayng he got to the airport but couldnt find my terminal and lt turned out he was on the other side of the airport and when l hang up my bus gets there so l tell the bus drver that l left my wallet ln the other termnal and lf the bus [full of people] could wait. So l went runng finally get there and he hooked me up wth 1\4 of fire ass sour d discounted too. So l ran back to the buss waiting for me reeking of sour d and had a raw vacation never spoke to the old dealer agaln but made a new dealer\friend who always hooks me up and comes through with fire strains [just got an O of headband from hlm]
  9. had my fair share of nickle n dime hustles but the most memorable was when my dude from 3 states over hit me up out of the blue with a jack herer offer, claiming to be hands down, the dopest dope he's ever smoked. could have made the trip in a night and day in exchange for a 1/4 but never did. to this day dont believe i could have invested that 250 better..and im sober ^_^

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