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What is YOUR "THE best food ever" RIGHT THIS MOMENT?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Half Blood, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 Half Blood, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    :wave: I KNOW it's not just I'm curious. So I'm sittin here feelin good (and you know why) and I go for a munchie and it's THE best food ever right now! After each smoke, comes the inevitable munchies and, most every time, what you're eating at that pivotal moment tastes like the best food ever. I just finished eating a chocolate ice cream Nutty Butty bar WITH the extra chocolate on the inside and a good chunk at the very bottom of the waffle cone.

    SO, if you're also in the that kinda moment or have JUST been, right this moment, then I'm curious...What's your best food EVER right this moment???

  2. I think a majority of people,however not all, on this board will agree that Pizza is the best.

    However, I believe that a good cheesburger really hits the fucking spot

    I also love nachos man, and buffalo wings.
  3. Chinese.

  4. Hola, King. Trust, I hear ya. I did consider that and I do see posts about what their favorite foods are. I thought it was clear enough, but I'm clarifying even more now for the sake of this thread, there's a difference.

    To ALL: This is applicable to those that are CURRENTLY and/or RECENTLY toked up and are CURRENTLY and/or RECENTLY munching on something. Assuming that your CURRENT munchie experience is an enjoyable one AND your munchie mentality is the way I just felt with my Nutty Butty ice cream cone...then share what you're munching on right this moment.

    I'm NOT asking what you "typically" like or past favorites are...simply asking about the munchies that're feeling good inside you now, IF it is your "best food ever". Make more sense? :cool:
  5. mine is right now. heated up leftover meatloaf n mac&cheese. put some havarti dill cheese on the meatloaf. it melted, and it's so creamy, it was fucking delicious.
    i'm even a little sad that its gone lol
  6. Took a few bong rips now im eating enchiladas
  7. honey mustard and onion pretzels, so good
  8. Instant cup o noodles om slurp slurp slurp o_o
  9. I love fruit and oranges are in season right now. I LOVE a fresh picked orange I could eat three of them in one setting right now. Pink Lady apples are local right now too and they are awesome with some carmel sauce.

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