What is your Myers-Brigg personality

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Joy-smile-laugh, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. #1 Joy-smile-laugh, Feb 8, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    I'm an INFJ, the rarest type. Introvert, intuition, Feeling and Judging. We are the counselors and advocates. Some people may not place a lot of belief in the personality types, but mine is pretty spot on. I started reading up on my type last year and it made me feel not so strange.
    I'd love to hear from everyone else.
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  2. #2 BelowTheInfluence, Feb 8, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    Now that I have read through these traits it just about exactly describes me Thanks!
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  3. Carl Jung had some interesting perspectives on personality but I would not fully trust his method as it involved more so of a religious belief intertwined with psychology, nevertheless I have also found the test to be at fault as I have taken this test before on numerous websites with different results each time, granted these have been over a period of time and I myself change every day.
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  4. Serial killer.

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  5. Did you just laugh at your own joke, dude? This tells us more about your personality than any test ever could.
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  6. I agree. Mine has changed since I was in college. But it has been the same for the last few years. I haven't yet decided how much stock I put into but I still find it totally fascinating.
  7. I agree. Mine has changed since I was in college. But it has been the same for the last few years. I haven't yet decided how much stock I put into but I still find it totally fascinating.
  8. INFP, every test since I was a teenager.
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  9. I've always gotten INTJ or occasionally INTP.
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  10. I think these things are largely useless.

    You could ask me the same question 3 different times and you might get 3 different answers, it all depends.

    On top of that, one puff of cannabis can dramatically change how I think, feel and act.

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  11. True enough. But I still think it's fun.
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  12. No harm in that!

    For me I think it would tell you as much about me as my astrological sign.

  13. My sign is me exactly. It is pretty funny. I'm a Virgo.
  14. Im just poking fun, i dont even know what my sign is lol. I think its the scales which i believe is libra but idk for sure.

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  15. I bet your really a closet astrologist that makes every decision be it career or romance based on his daily horoscope readings. You can't fool me. :roflmao:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. #17 Deleted member 281310, May 14, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2017
    Hi, Pedro.
    Quistic's personality test shows that your type is INFJ.
    Your exact results percentages are:
    I 22%, N 38%, F 13%, J 11%

    To be honest it's quite breathtaking a read because i relate to what i'm reading and it's both good and bad.

    But i jjust searched myers brigg and some Scientology site came up so im skeptical.

    Myers Briggs Personality Test - Do it now online for free.‎
    Adoca.scientologytampabay.org/Test/personality‎(813) 579-5569

    also not to mention that i have a personality for every chemical i ingest.

    and I'm a Sagittarius

    You say im rare uh? maybe i can sell myself for some cash.
  17. I did the test just now and was told I have an Advocate personality type (INFJ, -A/-T). It seems we are both a part of this rare group Joy Smile Laugh :). I remember doing this same test 7 or 8 years ago, and I got the same result then too. I'm not sure whether this test is firmly supported by scientific evidence and all that sort of thing, but it is still interesting nonetheless.
  18. Im a hardcore INTJ. basically if i could push that button, i probably would.
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  19. INTP.
    Personally I think it's mostly bullshit. It can easily be bastardized to create a stereotype that's not truly there. Most psychology majors also find it to be bs.

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