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What is your first hit and passing rule(s)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Oathkeeper, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. #1 Oathkeeper, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2013
    So a lot of people have special rules for who smokes first and from then on.

    I've got two depending on the group I'm with. Either 'Loader, Owner, and Steve', which means just like it says: loader gets 1st, owner 2nd, then that person just picks a random dude and the rotation begins.

    Another is simply where the owner gets first hot, then it simply either goes to the left or right.
  2. yeah I normally go with the latter. depending on who I'm with though, I might just pack snappers. If I'm with my close friends I don't mind loading fat bowls cause I know they'll get me back sooner or later, but with randoms I just load snappers.

    when I do load a full size bowl though, I'll just pack it, hit it a few times (my weed, don't tell me I have to pass it after one hit, and yes someone has said that to me haha) then pass it to whoever is closest
  3. I dont fully understand...
    Do you mean like any personal rule?

    If so i have 3:

    I would never toke in a car or let the people im with toke in the car

    If i got important shit to do, do it before i get stoned

    And i tell myself not to smoke if i got some shit to deal with.
  4. He who roles, lights and gets first hit. Then followed by the weed supplier, then whoever. But I normally use my vape so I always go first. ;)
  5. I just hit the damn thing and pass it to whoever..does it really matter if you have to wait an extra 30 seconds till it gets to you?
  6. My rules for my car are: that guests (those who didn't supply or don't normally smoke with my group) get first hit, if you don't pay attention to the pass while it's rolling your ass gets skipped, and the packer hits it first.
  7. Just curious, why do the guests get greens?
  8. I'll do guest greens if I'm in a good mood, but never thought to skip. Gonna do that now, call it the 5 second rule lol
  9. Packing the pipe/bowl:
    Normally it's whoever's weed it is (the owner of the weed usually ends up packing the bowl) and then it's on to the piece-owner/smoke-spot-owner, and then it's just on to whoever's next.

    Rolling Joints/Blunts:
    Normally it's whoever rolled it, and then it's onto the bud-owner, and then it's on to whoever's next.

    But normally, there's a general rule of thumb: Always pass to the left.
    However that rule doesn't always get followed.
  10. Rollers rights then left from he/she
  11. If you roll you get to light it.
    If you pack your own weed you got first. Then pass. You have full control of your weed. You are the reffery if somebody goes over the limit next pass you won't hit.
    Etc etc. Fuck i can't think straight at all right now :bongin: but i think i kinda made my point.
  12. If youre with a lady, let her hit it first
  13. Pass the dutchie to the left hand side

  14. This rule is followed where I come from.

    roller sparks and it moves left-wards from there.
  15. Me and my friends do this thing where whoever hits the pipe bong joint blunt or whatever first says the word "BOB" and the quickest person there to say "MARLEY" gets it 2nd and it keeps going in that direction from there
  16. if you roll it you spark it, and just don't chief that shit. nothing too strict though. it's not really a big deal.
  17. if im with people we just light it and pass it.
  18. how you get all these rules man? Just smoke good and enjoy
  19. Same as OP, but we do rollers respect up here in the boonies, who ever rolls hits it first.
  20. Yeye rollers right ftw

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