What is your favourite animal?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by ElementChron, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. We all know we have a favourite animal, whats yours?
    Post a picture and gives me a creative example why you like that specific animal. :)

    I would have to say a lion because its because its just one of the most powerful and majestical animals out there.. i mean look at it:eek:
  2. [​IMG]

    polar bears have been my favorite animal since i was a little kid. probably
    because i had a polar bear teddy when i was little and i would take it everywhere.
    plus they're just straight pimpin' in they're white fur coats.
  3. Amazon Molly, it's all about girl power really, the fish reproduces by parthenogenesis, so what I'm saying is its been cloning itself for thousands of years without the male, there are normal mollies that do, but amazon Molly mutated somehow... And I just think it's cool :cool:

  4. Big cats are friggin amazing.
    leopards are smart and some mean mothersfuckers. They can carry zebras straight up trees. Pound for pound probably the strongest animal out there.

  5. #5 YungSteezy215, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Any type of eagle or falcon. Obviously they fly, but I never knew they experienced this awesomeness every day. They are so free, it's like they're saying fuck gravity

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lswBDZuL-8w]YouTube - Real birds eye view! Golden Eagle in flight - Animal Camera - BBC[/ame]

    Skip to 1:47 for the action
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIoOJKLHeY0]YouTube - Painful Testicular Cat Attack on Live TV Ouch![/ame]

    Cats are my favorite for reasons like that.
  7. I like Wolves
    I think my reasoning behind it would be because I like dogs but they are just beasts and there's just something mysterious about them. Also they are very loyal to their pack.
  8. well i think penguins are the coolest animals, but my favorite animal is my dog luna she is the shit :smoke:

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