What is your favorite video game to play when stoned...

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by 420savvy, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. GTAIV/Jade Empire.
  2. because i don't have a 360 with which to play forza 2 or 3.

    i am a god on the first though. playing the same racing simulator for 5+ years does that to you lol.

  3. Nothing wrong with playing the classics. I've still got a copy of Forza 1 lying around. It was my all-time favorite racing game pre-Forza 3. I loved that game.
  4. PC: Live for Speed (With a Logitech G27) That shit is as real as it gets, manual clutch, 6 speed h shifter with rev.

    Going 160mph while high with some surround sound and that wheel..... just... /jizz :hello:
  5. FO:New Vegas, nothin like gettin the suppressor attachment for the sniper, and jus start pickin off anyone that looks at you funny :bongin:
  6. #46 OldDaffy, Dec 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2010
  7. Anything metroid.
  8. Halo Reach till i die or someone wants to be a lil kid and tea bag me
  9. Dude black ops zombies is the fucking shit while stoned...its so easy and terrifying when im shooting through a window and i turn around to see a army of zombies...

    I lol
  10. any call of duty game without a doubt
  11. Super
  12. Starcraft 2, usually I'm way too baked to manage playing ranked games so I'd have to say rpgs probably, I've been playing oldschool games lately and I'm loving them.
  13. Well theres some good ol' world pvp in tol'barad in WoW.

    Footmen Frenzy in WC3 is amazing

    Minecraft is also one of the best games to play high solely because it requires so much creativity. I have build some amazing structures totally high off my ass :hello:

    Also TF2 is a super fun game to play high

  14. Minecraft cost anythin??
  15. #55 captaincool123, Dec 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2010

    Max Payne for the PS2
  16. Gunstar Heroes.
    Stupidly intense when you're baked.
    That or conkers bad fur day.
  17. NHL 11. Before I played stoned I sucked, but since the first time i played it stoned, I'm waaay waay better
  18. As of late Everquest 2 and Team fortress 2.
  19. Definitely Geomery Wars and Left 4 Dead.
    Get baked and get that fear of zombie apocalypse in you! Don't spook the fucking witch!... Great for playing with other high friends.
  20. #60 LaughingGrassCo, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2010
    :D L4D all the way :) till you get a scratch on the disc when you buy it from walmart and it dosnt work right :'(

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