What is your favorite video game to play when stoned...

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by 420savvy, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. I haven't played Mirrors Edge but Skyrim is fun while high...way to long of a game to beat while high...it'd feel like an eternity
  2. havent been high n a while but then and when i cheif again wich is april 22nd,is COD zombies
  3. i've been playing borderlands high. pretty fun
  4. the totally unknown regions and the push to get your self safe before nightfall, then the mining in unknown caves...

    yea minecraft just gets me when baked. its creepy as shit sometimes. but if you want more creepy feels and what not, i suggest morrowind. its just a good game. no, a great game. if it had the graphics, it would be better than skyrim i think.
  5. Team Fortress 2
  6. i like playing rpg's when im stoned so anything fallout or borderlands really takes the cake for me, XCOM has also been on rotation lately 
  7. I used to love me some binding of issac, but flash won't run well at all on this new laptop. I am waiting for the re-release with the new expansion. It will be in C++ so it will run again, also might get for psvita.
    Try out terraria too, hell indie games are much fun while high.
  8. Skyrim for sure. Especially with the Cannabis Mod. There's nothing better than smoking a joint irl, and on the game, then going to some dungeon and sneaking around while sniping baddies with your bow. Fuck yes. And then you get to fight fucking DRAGONS. Like are you kidding me? There is no game better than Skyrim.
  9. Modern Warfare 2 was the best when high. Once GTA V comes out though, my social life can go fuck itself.
  10. This Moba smite, I get way to in to the matches while high


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