What is your favorite soil for indoor grows?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by marylandsniper8, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. I was thinking about trying some Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil but for 5 gallon pots and 48 of them, it is going to cost me $260 just for the soil. Any other recommendations without breaking the bank?
  2. Fox Farms Happy Frog will save you a few bucks but still give you a good grow.
  3. Make your own:

    4 parts 100% organic potting soil
    3 parts sphagnum moss
    2 parts worm castings
    1 or more parts perlite
    1 or more parts clean sand

    Make sure none of the ingredients has time-released ferts added. Careful -- Miracle Gro adds ferts even to their perlite.

    This recipe already is not that different from FFOF, but you can add to it with things like bat guano, fish emulsion, etc.
  4. Kellog's Patio Plus is like 5 bucks a bag and has worked wonders for me in the past.
  5. Wow I could literally write a book with all the things I read here just in the last couple hours. In fact I am every topic I take interest in I have been copying and pasting in a word file which i'm going to use for a shopping list and reference, thank you all very much ++Rep

  6. Good advice. I read pretty much the same recipe somewhere else....darn if I can remember, but it was very highly rated.

  7. where would one purchase these key ingredients?
  8. Some at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Kmart, Ace Hardware, etc.

    The rest at a local gardening store, nursery, or hydro shop.

    Or, all are available online.
  9. i go with this cheaper stuff thats called "Earth-Gro" its from walmart organic. add perlite
  10. i use roots organic, its not the cheapest but i love it
    im flowering them and just started putting in nutes, they grew like 1-2 inches a day during veg
  11. hey when u add perlite do u add it to the bottom of the container or just like throughout the soil? I thought it was throughout the soil but i read that to put it in the bottom for some reason about drainage????/
  12. how does the sand help? Also nobody has mentioned a ph stabilizer for the soil
  13. Mix it in the soil, add a layer to the bottom for extra drainage.
  14. It's good to put throughout the soil but the last inch or 2 I use 50% perlite so that you don't have water building up at the bottom of your pot
  15. good thread. By my calculations $260 worth of ffof would fill 15 5 gal buckets. 48 should run about$1600. At $25/bag.
  16. $1,600 will buy an awful lot of "make your own " and still have money for "teas" and the like.
  17. OK, I haven't really posted here at all, mostly from paranoia. I'm going to get a ton of people telling me I'm wrong, this will never work, etc. Whatever... I'm on my third grow with this stuff and all three have been spectacular.

    I use Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Mix. I travel quite a bit so I like the fact that I can soak them down before I leave and they won't be bone dry when I return. That being said, here is the VERY BEST PART: This soil is LOADED with nutrients. It has so many nutrients that I often get some nute burn and leaf curl early in the grow. I have never killed a plant using this soil, and in a typical 75 - 90 day grow, I NEVER ADD NUTRIENTS ONCE.

    The results are astounding. The soil costs about $15 for a 64 quart bag, a little more per quart for smaller bags. Sold at Home Depot, Walmart, etc.

    Now... I know the "experts" will tell me that this is impossible and you can't use miracle grow anything and on and on and on. All I can tell you is I've had two full cycles of jungle like growth on the cheap, and I see no reason to ever go back. Why waste money?
  18. There's also the most common mix of:

    1/3 Peat Moss
    1/3 Vermiculite
    1/3 Perlite

    All equal parts and the mix itself will be neutral so you don't have to worry about adding ph up/down. Just add nutes + water + seeds and a way you go.
  19. If you have money to blow get a $25 bag of Fire Fox Oceans Farms.

    If your broke get a $5 bag of Kellog's patio plus outdoor garden.

    They contain alot of the same ingredients but FFOF will always reign supreme. Those are two options for you just don't use Miracle Grow soil.
  20. Like I said, lots of non-believers. Here is my current "Miracle" Grow.



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