What is your alltime favourite munchie

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dylanzs, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. The title says it all what's your best munchie food wheahter it be a concoction of your own that you stonely made or a bought thing I'll start this off

    Homemade: 2slices of white bread nice good quality butter on on side and some nice expensive milk chocolate on the other put them together and butter both sides of the outer sides of sandwhich the panfry both sides and then dust with icing sugar

    Bought: mcdonalds caesar wrap large meal with cola slushie
  2. Theres tons of threads like these but whatever. The homenade one sound disgusting right now cause my stomach hurts but if it didnt that sounds like the most delicious thing ever. You should make me one.
  3. Dude oatmeal cream pies are the shit. 1. slice up some funny flavored mushrooms, put them in cream filling and 2. devour. 3.Wash down with orange juice. Watch the walls carefully!!!!

    I miss high school.
  4. #4 Dylanzs, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Goddamn that's pretty intense
  5. Okay here we go.
    Pasta with cracked pepper and sea salt, butter as well
    Distilled water
    Ice cream for desert
    Your eating healthy while grubbing down. Except for icecream but its to bomb to resist
  6. Or a fucking bag of chips..... lets see...... "Munchies"
  7. a nice sub from subway with turkey, pepperioni, bannana peppers, peppers, and anything spicy and tangy.
  8. You must like spicy shit huh;) well try some of that UK cheese.:smoke:
  9. Homemade: toast two (2) slices of wheat bread (or whichever bread you want). grab a yogurt (I take vanilla activia with cereal in it for that extra fiber, helps you poop and it tastes delicious :D) and spread it on the toast.

    bought: smoothies, sundays, all that stuff
  10. Thanks for your replys I'm going too smoke a few bongs and try these all
  11. cereal! cant believe no one said that already. so many great cereals to choose from i like em all!!
  12. Cinnimon toast Crunch?
  13. haha yea! or some pepper jack. forgot to mention :p

    no matter what mood im in, i can always go for a nice sub!:hello:
  14. Subway....... eat chronic. haha yea subs from subway are indeed dank to say the least.
  15. #15 Cheeze16, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Munchies are definately my favorite chips ever! Even when I'm not high I could eat bags and bags and not even notice.. when high.. I can't even begin to explain how delicious they are
  16. Most crunchy and hard things i eat when im high i eat too much of and hurt my mouth so i try to stick with softer chewy things
  17. if i have to be resourceful and eat stuff in the fridge.... the best (and damn cheap) thing to make is.... SCRAMBLED EGGS! WITH SALSA!
  18. Alright...here's my contribution to this thread...

    Peanutbutter sandwich on toasted wheat bread. Soo good cuz the peanutbutter melts cuz the bread's warm. (This is actually a good source of protein, too)

    I call this one the pita chip sandwich--Toast wheat bread. Put 1 slice of pepperjack cheese on the bread. Microwave "open-faced" to melt the cheese. Put ranch dressing and pita chips (I usually get the garlic or the salt and pepper kind) on the sandwich. Enjoy.

    Or I eat chicken fries with ranch mixed with hot sauce.

    Or make pepperoni bread...it's actually really easy to make and everyone will be your bff if you bring it to a party.

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