what is wrong with youth these days

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by 420Hazo, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. First emo, now THIS?

    What is wrong with youth these days. im sorry but these people need counseling, serious LIFE COUNSELING
  2. Whats wrong with the youth today is everything is pussified bullshit for babies. That and the rapid advances in technology.

    :laughing: didn't watch the vid before posting... but... holy ballsacks :laughing:

    My brother and friends played like that when we were 8... not 15-18

  3. nothing is real anymore.

    you're exactly right with that wording, pussified.
  4. I think it takes some balls to do that. Who cares what they wear. It is a little odd though.
  5. Now you know why the government is killin new borns slowly with vacinations
  6. Kids do that to get attention. Once they graduate or get laid they willl see a whole new world. The real world.
  7. I'm glad I got some swift kicks in the ass when I was a kid. I'm all about self-expression and venting emotions but really?
  8. Fucking furries...

    And this is why America is falling apart. Not to be a total asshole but these kids need to stop whining about their middle class, financially set families and why their lives are so "hard." There are kids starving, enslaved, and forced to have sex in third world countries; but these high schoolers who live in a safe, healthy environment with food, water, shelter, technology, and education have to complain.

  9. Fucking Twilight. Look what its done. :mad:
  10. i'd love to be there neighbor. Get a wooden stake and just harrase them haha
  11. I don't know. Kids are fucked up today. First 4chan now funnyjunk? It's pretty retarded. I only hope to god they don't assemble like 4chan
  12. who cares ? some kids just want to be different

  13. nah man i actually was looking for an image on google to post in the " first to laugh loses" thread and i saw it on the side so i just wanted to see what it was. then proceeded to laughing my ass off
  14. A huge part of it is the parents too though. They all seem to think their parents were too hard on them, and take it easy on their kids. Then there is the media promoting the stupidest social problems around. Next thing you know you have kids pretending to be wolves, literally thinking they have wolf in them.

    See if they wanted to dress up and howl and shit whatever, but when they start saying they're actually part wolf there is a mental instability there. Then the mentally unstable kids get their friends to do the same crazy shit. Next thing you know there is a mass suicide of wolf kids.

  15. exactly.

    what really shocks me is how that one girl says "gangs aren't real, they're all fake. We, as wolves, are a family"

    last i checked gangs are only FAMILY. this emo movement is nothing but low self esteem kids who got called fat or loser in high school. good thing they're all friends though or else we'd have random kids hiding in lockers howling.

    what the heck are they gunna do when they graduate high school? finally realize its stupid and stop the act and move on with their lives?
  16. Thats what I'm saying about things being pussified. Everyone seems to think they're entitled to a nice and pleasant day every time they wake up. The world isn't a god damn bouncy house its a dangerous and cruel place. If you want to get by you either grow a pair of balls, and realize the insults and bullshit don't matter... or you become a wear-wolf and ignore your problems.

    Even if humankind were to find peace among all races and people, which wont happen, the world remains a dangerous and cruel place. Disease, disaster, death, famine, etc... Quit expecting a hug every-time you get called a fatty or scrape your knee.

  17. agreed man +rep
  18. These damn kids are too desperate to find some place to fit in. And why would you want to be a werewolf anyway?
  19. For real everyone knows vampires are better.

    Team Edward ftw. :hello:
  20. Now thats just bullshit. Wear wolves are 10x more hardcore than sparkly vampires, even Jacob's kind.

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