What is wrong with my plants?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xBONGHIT420x, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Could anyone tell me what I should do if my plants look like this? Also, what is causing it?

    Under 150W HPS (18/6)
    Plants are 8-11 inches away from HPS
    Small House Fan blowing on them at all time
    and I've been using just regular miracle grow almost every time I water (once or twice a day)

    Attached Files:

  2. Well it looks like heat stress, what is the average temperature and humidity.? I would recommend using 150watt CFL for vegetative state.

    -What kind of soil are you using
    -Do you PH the water
    -Do you use tap or filtered water
  3. I have probably the cheapest grow...ever, I'm real low on cash and I'm doing my first grow. The soil is some I found around my house, it's some type of apparently "good" potting soil. I was using Kroger bottled water but I switched to a Brita water filter very recently. I'm basically willing to do whatever to improve my grow as long as prices are too ridiculous. And I was told to keep my HPS but I would be willing to purchase another bulb, such as an MH? I've just gotten mixed responses as to if I really need to
  4. they are being over watered. You want to let the soil dry out a little bit before you water again. I always push my finger into the soil and if it is still dry 1" down then i water. Or i pick the pot up and judge the weight. The difference between a dry pot that needs water and a water logged pot is enough to notice.

  5. Ahh that could be possible too. They got kind of droopy like that a few days ago so I stopped watering them due to me believing it was overwatering but in reality they just wanted a drink . It was totally opposite :eek:
  6. once or twice a day with soil is too much water. thats why they are droopy.

  7. I thought that the soil just dried out a little easily with the fan constantly blowing and the light as warm as it is. I rarely water twice a day, one drink is more regular than 2 so basically just let me get back to their normal state and lay off the water?
  8. #8 deacon, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    your watering your plant twice a day with miracle grow nutes:eek:whats your run off ph..im thinkin' way to much nutes..and water:smoke:flush them bad boys and water with 50% nutes...post a close up of discolored leaves
  9. Definitely seems to be a couple issues.
    Overwatering, most definitely. Give it complete saturation (there should be at least a little bit of water coming from the bottom of the pot). And wait for it to get fairly dry.

    Also, seems to be som nute burn, if you are going to use Miracle Grow, take it easy. And don't use it every time you water. You're burning her up.

    What is your runoff PH?
  10. There ya go.
    Get a cheap ph tester. test your run off.
    1/2 strenght nutes every other watering.
    good luck
    peace B
  11. how long have they been in those pots because if they are root bound they will be droopy also. but we can all agree its a bunch of other things too
  12. Judging by the size of the plants and the size of the pots, I don't think there is any way it's an issue of being root bound.

  13. you never know my Mekong High got root bound in two weeks in a 6" pot
  14. looks like nute burn from the yellow edges among other things. use the miracle grow like once every 3 days(maybe 4 or more depending on how your plants respond)...also are you using the 1tbsp per gallon it wants cause that is too concentrated at least in my experience.. i start out with 1/4 that (.2grams per cup of water) and it seems to work out..
  15. You'll just have to trust me. ;)
  16. Since you guys are talking about root bounding, would it be a good idea to transplant my plants into bigger pots and if so, when?
  17. well how long have they been in those containers? i usually transplant a when i see the roots popping out the drainage holes
  18. When you first see them coming out the bottom they still have plenty of time/space to grow. The roots will fill in the spaces in the pot. I like to let the plant develop a nice root ball. Not only does that mean the plant is utilizing all of the soil, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to transplant.

    I estimate that you should have about a gallon per foot of height. A 1 foot plant should be in a gallon pot, ready to transplant into a 3 gallon. Depending on how large you grow your plants, you can flower it in the 3 gallon without problems, but sometimes I will toss them into a 5 gallon.

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