What is wrong with me?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by YelloMnMs, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Ok Im going to go update the OP to something that is more understandable.

    Every guy Ive ever eneded up with whether they went after me or i went after them turned out to be very childish. They basically wanted me to handle all their needs and take care of them. I became a mother figure where I had to tell them what to do, tell them how to be a man and get things done.

    I dont like being in that position. They can be very sweet but the same benefits I give to them they dont give back. Its a very one sided relationship

    whereas my cousin every guy that pursues her wants to take care of her. They buy her things, take her out, give her money, pay her bills. They treat her really well.

    Im wondering why she gets that type of guy and I end up with guys who want to be taken care of.

  2. LOL You are absolutely right. I called them that though because I ended up becoming a mom figure to them it was really creepy. Like I literally took care of them but once I started asking for things in return it became a huge problem. Or when I started telling them no the relationship started going down hill.

    No it wont lol as long as there is a space for another woman in your life. I know for me when I say mamas boy I ended up taking care of them got nothing in return and at some points it seems I was indirect competition with the mom!

    If I wouldnt do something mom would, so like they werent forced to grow up
  3. You certainly don't want someone to "take care" of you, right? lol Just curious some women expect it. :yikes:

    But....they can't all be zingers!

    You'll find a good one, just gotta sift through a lot of bullshit. When you find the right guy it will be worth all your trouble. :D

    Maybe you're perceived as very independent by men. (Which is a good thing and shouldn't change lol) However, people who wish to take advantage of you see that too and are attracted to it. At least you can recognize it, and don't let these people suck the soul out of you!

    I wish more people realized that you cannot be so codependent. A strong relationship is built upon equal efforts from both people involved, mutual sacrifice.

    Good luck!
  4. Ewwww, you love the shit out of your mom?

    That's pretty gross man!!!

    What do you think of the shit out of your dad?
  5. OP. I didn't read any of this.

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