When I think about back in the day, I think of the darkness and struggles, I think of how good we had it, the things we had and the things we didn’t have that we do now. The things we had that we never will again things wearnt great back then and all; but the country has made tremendous strides in improving itself in some aspects. Advances in healthcare. Technology. It seems as if there are no advances in the way we are represented in government but we all live in today and we don’t remember yesterday or many of us didn’t even live then-so how would we would know any better? I’m sure some things are better for this country now days, I don’t know about you but I wish things were a lot better what’s wrong with wanting to make things better? don’t you want to make things better? Don’t you want to live in the greatest place in the world? If you don’t think it’s the greatest, why not move where it is, and you have better opportunities? what’s wrong with maga people? Why do some people speak of them with hatred and Comtemp? Please Lay it all out and don’t hold back. I truly would like to better understand. inflation. Division. Arm forces falling apart. Everyone fighting. Crash of the dollar. is this what we really want??
There is nothing wrong with making our nation better, having strong borders, lower-priced and more abundant petroleum and food, and prosperity for all. Except that doesn't encourage people to become eunuchs and does not focus on encouraging blacks to be disgruntled, and that whites should hate themselves.
Do you feel that the in the current state of things-whites should hate them selves and encourage blacks to be disgruntled As in-our civic and government leaders are encouraging those behaviors? They have workshops were those very topics are discussed in corporate America, in our educational system, our financial system and many other aspect of our way of life
No, I do not think that any race should hate themselves, nor should any race hate any other race. I serve on the executive board of one charity, and I serve on various committees of another charity. Because I tend to express conservative view points, I have been told repeatedly that I need to be 're-educated'. So one charity paid for me to attend some re-education workshops. The workshops were filled with hate. Organizers and facilitators were focused on stirring race hatred and shouting down any efforts to de-escalate their race-baiting. I can go into detail if anyone is interested, but I think it might violate the T.O.S. of this forum. So it might be wise to only address the specifics via private messaging.
The Question is who is it being made great for Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
A strong nation, with a thriving economy, and strong borders, that provides all of its own needed foods, petroleum, and textiles, would be 'FOR' our children.
No. When I grew up my family was migrant farm workers [coming out of the Grapes of Wrath migration following FDR's banking holiday when banks locked their doors, seized all savings accounts, and began foreclosing on small farms]. My earliest photo shows me wearing a cotton diaper and playing in blow sand, tethered by a chest harness to a grapevine that my elder siblings were using me as their row-marker for which row of grapes they were picking. By the time I was 6yo, my family had become sharecroppers. We worked other people's orchards for a portion of the harvest. In one workshop that I attended. I was told that my upbringing was a lie. that White people have NEVER share-cropped. Sharecropping was only invented as a method to enslave Blacks. My entire life, as I am the witness of, and as is my testimony, is a lie [so they insist]. And dont forget the whole 'Blacks invented childbirth' thing, and how any other race who gives birth to children is misappropriating the idea from Blacks. All other races are evil [according to that workshop].
In that case I'd like to change my reply to....If America was great, who could we blame our personal failures on?
Nothing wrong with making a nation stronger. But the term MAGA is synonymous with Trump and the guy's a straight up asshole. So It's totally understandable IMO why people cant stand the term.
What I understand is progressives are straight up haters. They don't hate Trump because he's an asshole, there are plenty of assholes they do like so that can't be it. They don't like MAGA because they don't want America to be great. They hate America and anyone who champions America.
I can see that. I have never voted for Trump. I do not see ever voting for him. I do not understand the concept of making a Reality TV show character a POTUS. When that actor plays the character from his TV show thousands of fans pop up. But apart from the TV show character I doubt if anyone would care about him. We did have a POTUS who was a movie star. But he had a long career in movies and he was heavily type-cast into one specific character. Which he tried to live irl.
He was something before a reality tv character, do you recall what it was? He was a business guy, "you're fired" was said to a lot of people that deserved it, so we voted for him to keep doing that. We wanted ANYONE that wasnt a sleazeball politician..."it's only 4 yrs, fk it let him try" if we dont like it he's gone...that's the beauty of this shit...those fktards stand on that side of the room and scream at those fktards....you dont have that, you have china, russia, those other whack places with same guy running shit for decades.
Most Americans never heard of his name before he become a TV show character. That was his introduction to America. Reading about him, he bought commercial buildings, while the ink was still wet on the contract he would have his name blazed on the side of the building, and then immediately the building went up for sale. Because he had no means by which to own those buildings. It made a huge name for him within NYC. But nowhere else.
What do you mean when you say “greatest”? Are we referring to being the world’s number 1 economy? Best healthcare and population health in general? Greatest as in happiest, safest country to live in?
Scandinavian countries have about the happiest civilians I believe. I'd love to move there if they accepted me.
Well, the asshole comment was just an overall description about him. There are a lot of other reasons why people despise him too. But you're right that people can be hypocrites when it comes to politics and politicians. They'll turn a blind eye to people on their side being assholes while condemning the dicks on the other side. I disagree with your last 2 sentences. I think everyone wants their country to be great, they just have different opinions on what that entails.