Not sure why she is changing color all over some of the leafs. over a month old been in a bubble bucket with Vita Grow Nuitrients, been switchen the water lower the nuits sprayed with Aza max. Its on 18/6
Looks like a calcium def to me, but check it close (like magnifying glass/jewlers loupe close) for bugs as they can suck the sap out of the leaves and can look very similar. If no bugs and PH is good then try some cal-mag. GL!
It looks like nute burn to me. You may have been over doing it with nutes. Run plain water for about a week to flush the excess nutes out. You also mention that you have been changing the water. Unless there is a big problem, I wouldn't worry about changing. I have used the same solution for an entire hydro grow several times. As long as you don't add too many nutes and monitor the Ph on a regular basis, you will be fine. I have had good luck by starting with plain water until the res is full. After about 2-3 days, I add 1/2 strength nutes to the water, topping off. If you carefully follow this pattern, you shouldn't have any problems with nute burn. Keep in mind that once the plants really gets going, they will use up more and more solution, requiring daily topping off.
Really TxkT? Generally when I have overnuted the burn happens on the outside edge of the top most growth. He has little random spots generally on the end of the leaves, working it's way in... Just like a Calcium deficiency. Have you really seen nute burn look like this? IMHO nute burn is easy to spot/understand normally. For example, you change over to flower nutes and forget to do 1/2 strength on the first round so you have a few twisted/burnt leaves like this: In my experience that is what nute burn looks like... A bunch of rust colored spots on the outer rim of the leaves working back towards the stem is a sure sign of a need for cal-mag to me... But TxkT has been doing this a lot longer then I? :-/ GL!
The majority of nute burn causes rust spots on the leaves. It can also be a delayed result of over-transpiration (plant too close to the light). There is certainly no harm in adding a little CalMag to your nutes, just in case.