What is worse for your lungs?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Overflow, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. Any input is appreciated..

    Say you pick up a gram, is it worse for your lungs if you smoke it all at once and then have a couple sober days or break it up into three joints and smoke them on different days?
  2. Well smoking joints is bad for your lungs period. can you smoke it out of anything else?

    As far as smoking it all in one sitting or not, I am not sure. I would think that it does not really matter, because if you smoke it throughout the week than your lungs will be getting the smoke everyday, rather than just one day like if you smoked it all in one sitting. I could be totally wrong though, so don't go based off of me lol
  3. just make a bong out of some bottle and throw in some ice and your lungs wont be complaining
  4. Its too small of an amount to matter

  5. Well if you smoke it all in 1 joint it's 2 less papers then smoking 3 joints. So technically all at once would be better, But like mushroomsatsuji said, it's not enough to really make a difference.
  6. Old thread, lol. But i think smoking it all at once through a bong with some ice or some milk in it would be a bit healthier than 2 joints, but i could be wrong. Vaping it or cooking it would be the healthiest options :)
  7. Honestly, if your worried about your lungs, just cook and eat. But as for smoking a gram in a day, vs three days, it's preference as there are no studies on the matter. But from personal experience, if my lungs were bothering me, I would go three days instead of all at once.

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