What is UP with this girl?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ETID, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. #1 ETID, Dec 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2011
    Aright a little backdrop for the story:

    I was dating my ex for nearly 2 years and we broke up a little while ago. During the time we were dating I became good friends with one of her friends and during the summer we'd always hang out or somehow end up smoking or just being together because all during the summer me and my gf were having pretty big fights. She really become one of my best friend who I could go to.

    Now fast forward..she left for college and for a few months she's been dropping major hints that she liked and me and wanted us to start dating. Even said that she feels like she missed a major chance with me and wants to us to try be together. A day ago she finally came back in town and we hung out and ended up going to a friend of mine's house to smoke and then we drove around for a bit listening to music. It all seemed to be a good night but it just seems like she's is not giving off any more signals she really wants to be something more anymore. It's almost like she's acting like all the stuff we talked about and everything we said to each other never happened. It's been bothering me really bad because I thought she really was one I should be with..all the times she was implying she wanted to be together and now I finally am ready to do it she's throwing me off. What the hell should I do?
  2. .....? You have to take the initiative with girls. You got lucky in that she told you what you wanted (do you remember??), now she expects you to act on that. If not, then she thinks you're not into her!!
  3. it was a really big deal for her to tell you that she likes you in the first place, girls freak out about that shit, so rarely do that. so it was probably a big deal to her.

    so now she thinks it's your turn to ask her to be your girlfriend!!! simple as that. :smoke:
  4. Tell her she is going on a date with you

    Don't give her an option to think about

    It shows that you have confidence in what you want AND what she wants.

    Ask her if she has any free time someday, that's the only question there should be. Itll imply that you want to spend time to her no matter what hour.

    Lastly (this is how my girlfriend fell for me) show her you only care about being with her. Meaning if someone's giving you shit tell them they could shove it, if someone is still trying to get that girl tell her he had his chance.

    Be a fucking man, pull up your boot straps and show her you ain't gonna play games or beat around the bush.

    My .02

    Worst scenario- she says no and your able to move on with your life without a "what if"
  5. Dude she put herself out there and judging by your post you haven't showed her that you have any interest in her. She's probably extremely embarrassed.

    You should have made a move on her.

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