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What is this ?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LondonerEast, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Is this Schwag , Mid , or Dank ?

    I just boughta £20 bag of weed , wanted to know if its any good. Just pulled out a random bit.

    Sorry the pics are a bit blurry .


  2. is it weed?

    seriously tho far to small of a bud, terrible light and quality of picture, find a bigger bud or a better camera
  3. i hope therest of your bud didnt have as much stem as that
  4. It is definently weed , i smoked a bud out of it. that was like the biggest bud in there ( i think ) cos it was in my sock and it all got squished up and broken down into little peices.

    But is it shit ? or ok ?
  5. The pictures are dark and blurry.
    We need way better pics before we can tell you.
  6. you tell us.

    by the looks of the picture, it looks like mids to me. but then again it could be the dankest shit in the world and we really wouldnt be able to tell..

    did you just start smokin?
  7. Looks like low mids to me, maybe decent mids but def not bobby brown ROFL.
  8. Gonna be my first time getting stoned.
    Ill try for better pics.

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