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what is this MPLS MN2012 vid? cops giving out weed???

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by WeedstarX420, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. #1 WeedstarX420, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    [ame=]Video: WTH: Minneapolis Police Giving Citizens Free Marijuana & Other Drugs[/ame]

    watch that link that video is from 2012 plz give feedback on what they are doing.
  2. they are prob training new hires on how to catch people under the influence at dui checkpoints (or just to know in general)

    my question is who would want to do drugs in front of cops? (even for free)
  3. idk if they handed me a half and a few swishers it would def be alright
  4. I would absolutely not do that. Not even a question. While you smoke up in front of cops which is a buzz kill first off they're videoing you, taking pictures and having you on file.
  5. Im a true smoker, I would do it wtf are they goin to do??
  6. haha yea, cops can distribute drugs to people without a problem yet when a regular citizen who wants nothing to do with a corrupt regime starts doing it, oh! holy shit! he's a drug dealer! first off, wouldn't do it, like the person above said, they have pictures of what you look like now... and they also know what you look like on your drug of choice...

    Now, they are obviously hiding what they do as best they can because they censored what actually happened by telling the guy with the camera to get away. The cops are trying to set up a sting. Turn in a drug dealer and they'll get you more weed... probably from the guy they arrested and confiscated (stole) from.

    Just legalize and take these punks out of the picture. The government originally created the problem just so they could come up with a solution, which in turn funds their genocide overseas. But that's another story for another time.

    To sum it all up, cops are hypocrites, bigots, and megalomaniacs all rolled into one.
  7. No way in hell is this shit "right". Run, don't walk, from these fuckers.

    Any info they get will be used...... for more arrests? imo, yes.
  8. Why wouldn't they get a cop to volunteer to smoke?
    I would talk to a lawyer first.
  9. I would do it
  10. [quote name='"The innovator"']I would absolutely not do that. Not even a question. While you smoke up in front of cops which is a buzz kill first off they're videoing you, taking pictures and having you on file.[/quote]

    So what?
  11. Yea, so what if they have you on file? What are they going to do, follow you to your house and raid it? Arrest you the next time you get pulled over?
  12. They prolly gonna bust them later, or the fucking smart intelligent gov really wanted to make such a fucking retarded survey. SMH.
  13. i recently moved from minneapolis to kansas.


  14. Not at all. Think of it like this if you get in trouble with the law and you are arrested and you have a court hearing. All those people deciding your fate can see your file. If they see that you have done drugs chances are they will have a bad opinion of you.
  15. I'd take it and go home.

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