what is this? facecity?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Rotten_Apple, Jan 31, 2011.

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  1. hey gc. im sure you have many threads about you linking up with facebook. but im just going to put in my 2 cents in anyways.

    cut this facebook bullshit out. all these likes are REALLY ANNOYING. no one needs to see and im sure most if not all blades really care who likes what thread or what post. its just more bullshit that does not need to be here.

    if i want to talk and act like im on facebook, ill go to fuckin facebook. but when i want to hangout with the city, i want to be with the original city.

    if you still want to be with facebook, can you please consider to not allow people to like every single post there is to like out there? its just more bullshit to read/scan and its kind of a buzzkill. so please gc. get rid of these like links.

    and blades out there who agree with me...dont like it lol.

    anyways thats it. thanks.
  2. Irony........
  3. jeez thanks hahaha
  4. sorry i couldnt help myself,

    when did this happen I haven't been on in a week or two and just noticed today.

    I think less people are going to be giving rep points now that they got this like thing.

    It doesn't really bother me but it does crowd up the screen a little bit.
  5. yea im not sure man. i havent been on in a week i think. so very recent. but yes i believe it will affect the rep system which is important to some blades for whatever reason. and yea it does take up more room on the page. its just simply annoying. liking a thread i think could be tolerable. but every post? fuuuuuck
  6. Wow, a LOT of ASSumptions here. Give it a break hunh? Couldn't see the huge thread about this just a few posts down? Had to give it your own spin hunh?

    Look, message boards are always evolving. You may not like the new features, but others do, and we're trying to make it fun for everyone. If you don't like the new features, DON'T USE THEM. Simple.

    When you come across a TV show you don't like do you immediately run to the corner and get on a soap-box screaming out to everyone "This show sucks, no one watch it?"

    No, you just change the channel. At least I hope you don't do the above. Same premise here.

    Don't like it? Don't use it.

  7. I'm really not screaming inside my head right now. I'm really not.

    The little blue Like you see in every post HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FACEBOOK AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH GRASSCITY! It does not link with Facebook. The only thing that links with Facebook is the Facebook Like button right above the thread.
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