what is this "dome" part for in my bong?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by skager420, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Its a splash guard.
  2. Yeah, it's a splash guard so that you don't get water in your mouth when pulling the hit
  3. Yeah, it's actually in the description. :p
  4. hahaha, thanks! i seen it said spash gaurd but i wasnt sure if it worked as a perc too? i thoght maybe you had to put water there also......Thanks tho! I cant wait to get this piece....I also ordered an extra bowl, carbon filter add-on, and diffuser downstem all like 2 weeks ago! probly get an inline ash catcher if this order turns out good!
  5. My bong has a dome just like yours with 4 holes for extra cooling. Mine is basically yours without the extra tree perc. I love it so far. Filtered through three sections of water and every hit is so smooth.

  6. ok so heres my question to you......how do i get the water in and out of where the tree perc is? iv never owned one like this before....do i just put it in through the top? If so, how does it get past the dome part? there must be holes i cant see from the picture

  7. Take out bowl+put water through now empty hole=bong full of water:hello:
  8. You can put water in from the top to fill the tree just above the grids and then fill the bottom with water, or you can fill it up from the bottom and suck through the top and pour the excess water out from the bottom. To empty it pour the water out of the bottom then blow down into the tube to get the tree water down into the bottom then pour that out. Try not to get the dirty bong water on the mouth piece I hate when people do that.. in my humble opinion :smoke:
  9. I'm not sure, but how I fill mine is I fill the bottom chamber, then tip it sideways until the water flows up through the tube and into the next chamber.
  10. im usually nice but......shut up! thats not what i aske at all

  11. SWEET! that makes more sense than the last guy! LOL thanks alot!
  12. ok, that would work too i suppose, i just cant tell where the holes around the dome are in the pic....THANKS
  13. Yep, enjoy the new bong. :wave:

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