?? WHat is the this?? PIc included

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Twind0721, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hi guys, I am noob as you can see and Im trying to figure out the sex of one of my plants. It has been vegging for about 3 weeks and a half including germination (from seed) and I ready to flower. Preflower has begun and I still can not tell. I've read arounf to look for pistils and balls shape seed, but i see nothing.. help..these are some pictures of the plants..thanks


  2. just in case you didnt get the question..i am aasking the sex of this plant
  3. good thing you clarified... i was gonna say a weed plant

    take some pics with macro on... it looks like a little flower

    take some more pics of the main stalk of the plant.... there should be little hairs sticking out or little sacks... their all over the plant.. but it looks like its gonna be the easiest in the middle of the plant
  4. not great pictures to go by, but i dont see any signs of sex yet wait a few more days
  5. Attached Files:

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