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what is the point?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CanadaGuy, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. what is the point of buying a roor?one of my friends just bought one for $420, its a pretty simple bong with an ice catch, its about 18" tall and isnt very thick. so i dont see much of a point in spending that much?
  2. You pay for the name. You're better off buying a handmade one from someone online. The glass is usually thicker, and you get a quality and original piece for around $100.
  3. its like a girl spending 200$ on a pair of jeans. like sentral said youre just paying for the name.
  4. Yeah you're buying a name when you buy RooR. Some quality comes with it, but really if you want to pay big bucks for a nice piece you should get a custom one not some over-priced brand name. Thats just my opinion.

    My $50 tripple filtered bong from GC's store has almost no drag, rips are huge, and its overall the best bong I've ever owned as well as the cheapest.
  5. If YOU see no point in purchasing one, then there is no point. You're merely exercising free will, rather than loving what everyone else is idolizing. You're living your OWN life, so whatever you see as bullshit, might as well be bullshit, because when it all boils down to it, as a consumer, the only opinion that matters is yours.
  6. ya, i saw no point, i bought a no name with a dome perc, diffused downstem, ice catch, and ash catcher and its 2' tall and nice thick glass for $125. it rips so much better than his roor.
  7. hell yeah i bet it does :D
  8. i always wondered this. And now i know. :)

    I bought a simple big bong and it works perfect :)

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