What Is The Most Racist Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by mikegunior7, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. got jumped a few times as a teenager for being white.
    not too pissed off though, i always made sure they got theirs.

  2. Yea, I don't know anything about you even though you keep on posting your personal details about how you got knocked up by a lowlife and had his child.  You didn't want to marry him and then get all upset that he's saying another women?  Wow you really are a headcase.  I doubt he ever planned on staying with you.
    You're a student not a teacher, so don't get it twisted.

    You aren't nearly as wise as you think you are and people look down on you for good reason.
  3. Lol, kick rocks dude. Your not worth my time or the argument. Your an ignorant troll.
  4. Me personally the only time i've been discriminated against was when a sheriff blatantly called me mexican and made a few back remarks to which i responded that i'm native american and that pissed him off even more. It was great. He asked me if i was signed up for the draft and i said no and he said "you are now haha". Jokes on him i'm a single child :laughing:
  5. Whatever makes you feel better.  Real classy avatar picture btw....
  6. Hope the image burns into your mind and makes you vomit on the daily.
  7. A homeless black man started chasing me downtown throwing pieces of wood at me calling me a paki
    Who the hell are you, dude? Don't fucking judge people. Come on down here off of your high horse and let's get real for a second. The only thing you're accomplishing here is the spread of bad vibes, and all you're succeeding at is being a grade-A asshole. You don't know her story and you don't know her.
    Look around this page. This entire forum. This is a community based upon the irregular. We've all got skeletons and we've all got a story; and if absolutely anything should have gotten through that thick skull of yours in the past few hundred posts, it's that there's another side to absolutely every situation. Maybe you don't agree with that particular lifestyle choice, but it's a choice and we live in a world where that is none of your business.
    To quote: kick rocks, dude.
  9. :D thank you, someone with some brains!
  10. #70 purp_hazezz, Jun 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2013
    One time in school. This girls ipod got stolen (btw the highschool i went to mostly consist of white people) so every single one of the teachers came to my class and asked if i stole it. And then 2 of the teachers admited they asked me bc im puerto rican.
    fucked up shit.
    When I attended school in Utah I went on a trip with some friends to attend a Pow-wow.  I have cousins that compete and they were going to be in Idaho for a weekend.  It was only a four hour drive and I really wanted to see my family.  I took along some friends and a coworker that was Lakota.  Most of them had never attended a pow-wow and me and my co-worker were going to explain what was going on.  
    We we decided to have lunch at a restaurant ::cough::Subway::cough:: in a small town near the border (Idaho side).  When we walked in the whole place turned and looked at us.  The employees and the patrons.  It was a little disconcerting.  When we went up to the counter an older person that I assume was the manager said to my coworker,  "We don't serve dog here.  Why don't you try the closest reservation."   With a smirk on his face.  He felt perfectly justified to say that to a complete stranger.  
    It shocked me to the core of my being.  My mom used to tell me horror stories about her time in a forced boarding school and the abuse and racism she experienced on a daily basis.  I grew up in a school that was 90% Native American.   My mother was Jicarilla Apache/Latino and she was a teacher.  We spent most of my childhood on or near the Navajo reservation.  It was my normal existence. I had heard of isolated incidences of racism but never experienced it first hand.   
    If you could have seen the face of my co-worker.  She went pale and the look of utter shock on her face was tragic.   She was so beautiful.  Her hair was down to her waist and she walked like a queen.  She was a very accomplished woman and I had a great deal of respect for her.  She started crying. It broke my heart. 
    I lost my shit.  I mean seriously lost my shit.  
    I reached across across the counter and dragged him over it until we were face to face.  I don't remember a lot of what I said but I can recollect insulting him and calling him names in three different languages.  I disparaged his prowess as a man.  I speculated that his pedigree included an ancestor that was the result of sheep raping.   Stuff like that.   It was ugly.   I broke a blood vessel in my eye.  We left after the police showed up.  Thank God one of the sheriffs was NA and knew the fucker that insulted my co-worker.
    The guy didn't press charges and we promised to never go back to that restaurant.  I very rarely ever eat at restaurants so it was no big deal to me.  Asshole.  I still get pissed when i think about it.   :mad:
  12. Wow D: I'm so sorry you've experienced any of that. I honestly fear my daughter growing up, I can already feel my heart breaking knowing she will likely have people treat her like that at some points in her life.
    </blockquote> I wouldn't worry about it too much this world is changing everyday. There a ton of mixed kids popping up everyday :) ... I'm in this group too.

    When I was in the fourth grade my white teacher took a liking to me because i reminded her of her daughter who was two years older than me .. she was mixed black and white. One day on a field trip she made me sit next to her( :'( ) so of course we start talking and she starts telling me how she wished she never talked to black guy because her parents hated her for it and that the guy was just a bum. How she thinks black people dont measure up to white people.... So of course I told my mom but the school wouldn't switch me out of her class because it was the end of the year with only a few weeks left. But boy oh boy did she torment my little ass for those three weeks...she got me suspended for leaving the class ( when i was suppose to) she tried to get the school to tranfer me to a different school ( that was predominantly black ) and she showed up to my dam house for reason.... She got fired after all or this tho :)
  13. One time I was chillin at a park with a kid. He said the n word and a black guy like 50 years old heard him and started talking shit. We were like 15 LOL so he went and told some black kids what he said and these kids come up to us and start telling us how good black people are. We said yeah sure we dont give a fuck if you wanna fight us go ahead. They didn't even tho there was 3 of them. I was honestly disappointed.
  14. When I was in HS, a lot of the white males that happened to be friends of my friends called me a dumb niqqer almost every single day. I just try to not think about it because I'm no longer in high school, don't talk to ANYBODY from my high school, and am doing great things and know that I'm actually quite smart and that these guys were just insecure because I was bigger and taller and calling me a dumb niqqer is the only things they could do to make them feel better about themselves.
  15. A couple years back, I was about to walk out of a gas station after paying, and some cunt came strolling in the door as I was approaching it. I stood aside, but she was taking her sweet ass time coming in, so I had kind of a perturbed look on my face. As she walks by, I hear her mutter, "Dickheaaad."
    My initial reaction was to whip around and go, "Fuck you." Then I turned and kept walking.
    I get back to my truck and start pumping gas when she comes flying out screaming, "Fuck your white ass bitch! I'll spit on yo' truck!"
    Then she went back into the store. Came out about a minute later, stomped off to her car, and ground every fuckin' gear trying to get out of the parking lot.
    In retrospect, it was fucking hilarious....but at the time, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. She was easily three times my size, and the extent of my fighting ability is kicking and grapling. Normally I'm armed, but at the time I was headed somewhere I couldn't carry, so all I had was a folding knife. You can bet I was palming the fucker just in case.
  16. I've been called spic alot because I'm naturally tan despite the fact that I have no hispanic history. Whatever
  17. me and a buddy got jumped by five big ole black dudes, got hit in the face with a gun that fractured my nose, got my car stolen, all because we were some white kids in a bad part of town.
  18. cant claim student allowance because i am white and middle class. if i was a refugee or "indigenous" there would be no question of my parents income.
  19. I got picked last for pickup basketball because I don't look like a basketball player. But everyone always left me open and hitting open threes is pretty easy when you're wide open. By the time I was getting guarded it was too late, I was already warmed up. That will teach them. 
  20. I'm sorry that you even had to experience that. It's so sad that people can be like that D: It's good she got what she deserves though!

    I know the world is changing, I'm so happy for that, but I just know there's always that one racist douche canoe somewhere.

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