hey guys, some of my plants keep getting this pale yellowing or small brown patches on some of their leafs. shortly after the entire leaf will begin to brown and die. how can i correct this problem? i know its not a nitrogen deficiency because i had that issue previously and have already corrected it and plus the symptoms are not quite the same. any help will be largely appreciated.
Could be packed roots and need transplanting. Could be there is no oxygen getting to the roots. Could be its underfed/under watered. Could be the ph in the soil or in the water/feed you're giving it. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They are They are clones I got that had barely began to root So I don't think it's the roots and I havnt given them nutrients yet.
they are onlly about a foot tall, they wee only planted about a week ago so i didnt think that they would need nutrients already. but im open to all possibilities.