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What is the deal with Cheese?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 4Cave2man0, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So i came across an eight of some cheese that i have been hearing about forever and it doesnt quite smell like any kind of cheese and just want to know if anybody could fill me in on this
  2. it makes you Cheese.:smoke:
  3. the drugs cheese? isn't like herion and benedryl?
  4. I am talking about a strain of marijuana called cheese, and i was asking how it got the name and if it is a sativa or indica
  5. i smelled some at the club the other day and it's definitely got a cheesey smell. kinda like half rotten cheese like right when it's leaving your palette. lol
  6. I've heard of the cheese strain, it's supposed to smell like shit but also get you very very high. I'm pretty sure it's Indica.
  7. ^^ yep. i got some dank the dude called swiss cheese. as much as i don't pay attention to names it was dank that creeped up on me and got me really high. the high last a long time and is mostly indica but i felt a little sativa too.
  8. its called cheese because if it is well grown it STINKS. a bag of it will stink out a big room in seconds.
  9. cheese reeks of....cheesyness. Pungent as fuck!

    BBs cheese isnt the same but is still pretty damn cheesy, whereas blue cheese it more blueberry than cheese. hope that helps

    Last time i had any kind of cheese was 28g of blue cheese, the guy i was with bought loads so we had about 4 oz of it in his van! proper stinking
  10. It makes you CONSTIPATED!!
  11. cheese is the fuckin shit!

    blue cheese is even better

    fuckin stinky
  12. lol south park

    lets go cheese!
  13. The original UK Cheese clone is a special Skunk #1 phenotype from a batch of seeds grown out in 1989. Anything you get in seed form is outcrossed to an Afghani male.

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