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what is the best way to hide smell of dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by eric219, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. what is the best way to hide smell of dank?
  2. I stuff the weed in a container then put bounty pads in it too,:smoke:
  3. Hahahah, that is why you few are still in the apprentice forums.

    First of all, you start there. The new toker will use febreeze, the more advance use dryer sheets. However if you want to upgrade, get freezer bags. They are thicker plastic bags and provide and air tight seal. An upgrade from there would be to buy a 'smell proof' bag from a local hemp/head shop. Amp that up a bit, place it in the freezer bag and then into the gray smell proof bag :p

    But, the seasoned place their weed in a container, with apple slices. The apples absorb the weed smell. Place that into a freezer or gray bag. :D
  4. take a dump in your hands and place it right next to the dank
  5. I don't really go out of my way to get the necessary shit so I just place it in multiple containers, one inside of the other. Works perfectly.
  6. Mason Jars
  7. Don't think this is right my friend. The weed draws moisture from the apple slices. Some use this for curing their over dried bud, others use this to make their bud moldy. Improper use of this will get you nothing but moldy bud.

    The seasoned don't hide the smell.
  8. Mason Jars. -find a lid with a double size seal - they do exist and i took a few from my great grannie many many years ago. Or you can get those sealing Jar's from wal mart but the lits are flimsy and break pretty quickly. Same w the ones in head shops usually.

    As for smoking it smell, many there is no truly effective stealth. You can minimize and zero to the best of your abilities but no matter what.. shit just stinks man.
  9. i'd fail at this. dank bud smells too good to cover up.
  10. The best way, well first store your bud in an air-tight container. (Preferably a mason jar)
    You could get smelly proof bags. Get some odor eliminator spray.
  11. Colombian style works great...take your sac of dank remove as much air as possible. Fill a second bag with ground coffee and stick the sac of weed in that bag and seal it shut. Took some skunk on a family road trip that way, couldn't smell a thing.
  12. fight fire with fire, get even danker bud to cover up the dank
  13. Buy mids of course! or an easier ways. get a container, big enough to fit what you need. close it. leave it out for a few, then bag it ina fresh bag. try to get all the air out. I barely smell it much after that. Also you can put a laundry sheet in the bag, i do that sometimes. helps way more

    Edit: forget to put AN* easier way. sorry

  14. i used to put my weed in the same box as my sploof... until all my friends started saying that my weed tasted like dryer sheets. lol then i just put it in an airtight jar, such as a baby food jar or an empty spice jar... i just put the weed in a box, put a cloth sack (that holds all my papers, roaches, bobby pins and stuff) over it, and then put some kleenex over that... then put the lid on the box now.
  15. I kept mine in a box with dryer sheets and now all my pot tastes like laundry.

    I have a kit with my roller, papers, cigs, lighter, grinder, and crutches in a pouch inside a lockbox. The weed goes in the same lockbox. I'm going to get some jars for the pot soon.
  16. #18 kassiderp, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Wouldn't the apples then rot and smell really bad anyways?

    Also, yay, first post. :wave:

    I like to disguise the scent by putting all my smoking shit (pipe/lighter/bud(which i keep in a spice jar)/etc) into a plastic bag, and then put that into a box that has a lock on it (meant for like a pencil case or something, no clue) and in that box along with the bag, put dryer sheets.
    I think it works quite well.
  17. LMFAO!!! :laughing:

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