What is the BEST place to smoke and just chill?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smokin&tokin, May 7, 2003.

  1. at some chicks house that you just a week ago and youre all alone.
  2. It's great on a pontoon boat in the middle of a lake....
  3. I like to smoke in my room or take a walk to the beach totally trashed and shit....Or in my car listening to linkin park.Best is chilling with my close friends
  4. the beach is a sick place to smoke, just lying down watching the stars and listening to the ocean. smoking wiht good friends is also awsome.

  5. yup... i smoke/drink at my beach with friends everynight....fun and relaxing as hell...
  6. the best place to smoke to me is when i am out in the boat (prefer j's or blunts b/c of wind) cruisin around in the little creeks in Ga at high tide right before dark is a beautiful thing
  7. Love to watch those action flicks stoned. It's really cool to watch a movie in IMAX 3D stoned.
  8. The best place to smoke is just lying down chillin on your grass when its dead sunny an u can feel the sun heating up ur body and the skunks smells sweeter too! Just get some tunes out and chill, nice cold can of beer by your side to sip 2! also for a mad session place camp out in a tent, zip it up and use it as a bong!
  9. i came to the conclusion the other day that the best place for me to smoke is in my room with the music on pumping away, loving every minute of it.
  10. i like to toke up at my cousins at night. we have this awesome mexican-style fire thing. u put wood in it and its like an outdoor wood stove. we usually just make a bong with my trumpet mouthpiece as the bowl and take huge bong hits whilst staring into the fire. then when we are baked we throw stuff into the fire or jump on the trampoline. the dead of night in the summer is the most peacefull time to toke up.
  11. -in a lake
    -in a boat
    -by myself in my room
    -b4 snowboarding
    -in parks
    -at kiddie schools, on their roofs
    -in my friends tiny ass nissan sx
  12. Tha Beach! (pre-surfing)...Tha Mountains (pre-snowboarding) also rocks!
  13. during the summer i like to toke in our pool and during the winter it is badass in the hot tub!! just to space out!!
  14. Is there anywhere you DONT like to smoke? Should I make this a new thread? In my opinion.. as long as you feel good the best place to toke is right where you are (assuming you are in a position where you can without seriosue dire concequences ) :c)

    I went camping once and smoked then that was fun.. OHH.. The best time I had was at Schlitterbaun (or however you spell it) I got so high I dont even remember my way around the place that was great!!!

  15. we went by the local highschool this ummer. and the parking lot is huge, so we decided to load a quick bowl before going on our nature walk. 2 cops pulled upto us and told us to leave. it was so scary b/c we had just smoked, but nothing happened. so never go to school, thats the message.
  16. LoL.. I bet!!! I used to smoke By my school.. read that other post.. I dont even remember what it was Im sure you'll find it about my highschool and shit! LoL~!!
  17. Under a half-pipe. My friend created a chill room, Covered it in airtight tarp. Blaze the place up, watch TV, and eat from his cooler. Fucking amazing. Oh yeah, when you leave, the smoke, EXPLODES out the door. If you go out first its a good few extra hits =)
  18. Wouldn't it suck if you're smoking on a boat and it tipped? Say goodbye to your stash!!
  19. in the hot tub for sure! with somethin good and cold to drink...yummm:smoking:
  20. my favorite place is at my brothers house, nothing to worry about like parents and getting caught and such, i also like smoking at this park at my house which is the best at either sun rise or sun set cause it has some really cool views, or hotboxing any car is good too.

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