What is the best PH meter under 40$

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by samisomo, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Pretty decent meter for the coin IMHO.
    I am not crazy about using a little tiny screw driver to calibrate the meter as this is something you do at least twice a month.
  2. The Oakton is far superior to the Hanna model in question.
    Spring for the extra cash.
  3. This oakton meter is cost me 66$ with delivery.
    Much more then 36$ on the HANNA meter.

    thnx for reply, any other suggestions?
  4. One more question,
    Can i use the ph meter on an outside ground?
  5. If you grow in a bucket you can measure the pH of the runoff - which I highly recomend
  6. Alright,
    So every time the soil is dry i need to give him alot of water so i can measure the ph level?

    Last time, Is there a better ph meter then the oakton in same/less price?

    thnx vm
  7. When you water in a pot / bucket you should add enough water to get a 10% runoff...
    5 gallon bucket = .5 gallon runoff

    Personal Preference is I allow the runoff to sit in the basin for about a half hour to insure the solution is completely wicked into the soil to minimize dry spots.

    To give you some idea - I have to lower my RO water to pH 3.2 to get a 6.6 run-off
  8. How exacly you do it if you can explain to me please?
  9. #13 abrahamx, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    dont forget you will need callabrating solution and storage solution which will cost as much as the tester or more. Well maybe not that much. I'm following this thread as I am in need of a ph meter as well. I have some strips but they are not worth a crap although my plants look great it said my water was 8.0 and the run off was 5.5. Gotta learn how to work this ph crap cuz I dont want to loose some good bud.
  10. I think he is refering to using "ph down" to get the water he will be using to 3.2 then when he waters the run off comes out at whatever he said. It is just a matter of trial and error I would assume. I really did not know you had to do this I always thought that you just get your water to 6.8 and you were good. shows what I know. Thats why I'm in the absolute beginners section. I hope this will turn in to a good thread for ph adjusting and ph meters. Lots of folks are in the same boat I assume.
  11. After reading couple of times i now understand the process, ty.

    I raised the budget on the ph meter to 60$.
    Please ppl with experience help us get a good choice meter.

    meanwhile the only suggestion we got is the: Oakton EcoTestr PH1.
  12. abrahamx has it spot on .. thanks for the explanation!
  13. Guys wake up plz :wave:
  14. You know you can get reviews on pretty much any item by googling the item number or name and review.
  15. replies are hard to come by on this board I noticed. Why even have it if everyone here just tells you to google it. I personally like the conversation with other people in the same boat. Check out some other boards, they are alot more active. Sory I cant be of any help. I am looking for the same info. You even said after reading a bit you have it down. I would love to hear what you learned after some reading.
  16. No it won't....my juices (4.01ph 7.0ph and a storage solution was like 15 bucks at my shop)

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