What is the best book series youve read?

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by gasoline.kitty, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. I love the "Wheel of Time" series as a few have posted above.

    I'll throw "The Laundry Files" into the ring as a great series. It's about an accountant who is unwittingly thrown into a job fighting soul sucking creatures from another dimension who are trying to destroy humanity in the name of the old gods. It's hilarious, very tech savvy and has a Lovecraftian slant to it. Very good stuff for a sci fi horror fan. Two tentacles up for this series!

    Anything by Neal Stephenson seems to keep me listening as well. (I'm an audio book fan.)
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  2. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. Read these books so many times I lost count.

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  3. Encyclopedia britannica.
  4. Embarrassingly it's The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.. guilty pleasure.
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  5. Simmons. Hyperion. Great sci-fi.
  6. I loved the Dark Tower series by Stephen King
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. C.S.Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia
  8. Expanse series is really good.
    The long earth series.
    Halo series
    The 12 series, jesus theres a bunch i like.
    Ah if i had to choose a favorite series it would have to be the expanse i guess.
    But i read so much i struggle to just say i prefer 1 particularly series more then another i enjoyed lol
  9. The Captain Underpants novel series is a classic must read for anyone who enjoys a fine articulate piece of writing that truely grasps the raw feelings and emotions of the reader. Through out the the series of the novel you will laugh, you will cry, you will question the meaning of life, and wonder why your still reading this shit idk why im still typing but people must know the truth about captain underpants and the truth is out there
  10. Captain underpants
  11. Dude thats crazy I literally came in here and wrote "captain underpants" without reading any of this thread and as soon as I post it and look at the older posts I see this....Crazy
  12. My god

    The day after I posted that I saw a Captain Underpants video on a youtube ad, clearly a slight glitch in the matrix
  13. The "Culture" series by Iain M.Banks if you like SciFi.

    Everything by Mark Frost.

    Patrick O'Brians...Master and Commandore series (20 books)

    All of David McCulllough, be careful you might learn something.

    All of James Clavel (Shogun, Taipai, etc.)

    Historical fiction rocks and not a vampire anywhere.
  14. Stephen Kings "dark tower" Series

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  16. Grew up reading Kenneth Robert's historic novels, Northwest Passage, Rabble in Arms, Anrundel, etc..
  17. #100 Homesteader, Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017

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